I like our map ;p I always feel like theres a little more that could be done, but I can never figure out what it is.
So after you saw both @3yerrt and I get banned for making disrespectful posts like this, no more than two months later you make almost the same thread / idea?? It's a pixelated game, ffs. Don't complain over it. If they're not doing something how you like / want it to be, leave. By making this thread, you are ruining your chance of coming back. @CypriotMerks
I know you're banned and whatever, but I'm still going to put in my opinion. Cyp is what, like, nineteen? He probably goes to school, has a job, and hangs out with friends like every other human being does. He just fixed prestiges and a few other things on Infection and here you are complaining? I'm sure he's working hard to get Infection the way he wants it. It is taking a bit of a long time but it doesn't mean he isn't doing anything. Try to be patient, or leave the server without any complaints that would just bring upon you hate. Why don't you try co-owning a server with over ten different gamemodes, along with a forums website to maintain and probably a few other servers along with a life outside of the Internet to live as well? I'm not surprised as of why he is ignoring players like this. If you wanted to request things to be fixed, try pronouncing it in a RESPECTFUL manner, and maybe you would have a better probability of, how about, NOT getting banned?