How old are you? I am currently 14 years old. Your in-game name: My In-game name is Javid_ What timezone are you in? UTC-05:00 What country do you live in? I live in the United States. What languages do you speak? My main language is English. But i speak basic Spanish. How long can you be active on the server everyday?On the Weekdays 6 hours on the Weekends all day. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I've been playing Mineverse for about 4 months now. I made my forums account in July of 2014. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game] I have been banned from forums for being disrespectful to other players. I am turning around the way I act and starting new here. I have been banned In-game for disrespect and threats. As I said I'm changing the way I act. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No I do not. Okay, so now I will explain why I should be moderator on Mineverse. Active I am a very active player on Mineverse. I am mostly on the Prison server, but am going to spend a lot more time on the Infection server. I am on about 9 hours every day. (Yes I have a life I swear) But yeah, I'm an active player on Mineverse. Respectful I am a respectful person. But recently I have not been. and for that I'd like to apologize to everyone i have hurt over time here I am truly sorry and regret it. I hope you all can forgive me <3 I am going to start new here as I stated above. Overall I am a respectful person and treat others the way they want to be treated. Non-Bias I am a Non-Bias person. If Somebody breaks the rules they will be punished just like any other player would friend, or not. Mature I am a overall really mature person I can mess around a lot but when it comes to serious situations, I handle them like a mature person should. Humorous I do not believe that being a Moderator is not just about being serious all the time. I believe that you have to be serious and fun as a Moderator. Because if you're just serious all the time it's not really any fun and you don't get to know the people of the server. Honest I'm an honest person. If I make a mistake I own up to it. I don't cover things up just to make it look like somebody else did it. If you made the mistake then own up to it. If you lie it just makes things worse. After all we're only human Am I right. Helpful I'm a helpful person, I would say. When somebody needs help I'm there to tend to their needs. EX: A person needs help about getting to forums. I would reply back "You have to go to WWW.MINEVERSE.COM and sign up and get a account. I can usually help with just about anything. Communication I believe that communication plays a big role in being a Moderator. As a Moderator I need all possible ways to communicate with a person in need. And I need to be there to help them when they need it. Non-Abusive I believe that in order to be a Moderator you need to be fair with people. I have witnessed abuse multiple times from different Moderators. (Not here) This also ties in with my "Non-Bias" part. if you ban a person you didn't know who was glitching but not a friend who was doing the same thing. That's abuse. So in order to be a good mod you need to NOT abuse and be fair. Dependable I'm a pretty reliable person. I am always on Skype besides when I'm in school. So if you ever need anything you can contact me just about anywhere. Forums or Skype is what I prefer you contact me on though. So yeah if you ever need me, I'll happily get on and help you. Okay that's my Moderator application. If you guys want me to add anything else please tell me here, or through forums conversation. Feedback is highly appreciated. Before I submit this, I'd like to issue a big apology to everyone I have been rude to on here. I made this because I want to help the server, and start new with everyone. @Elrak I especially want to apologize for being so rude to you when I first joined forums. You don't have to accept this but I truly am sorry. And I'm hoping you can forgive me. Along with the other people. I am starting new. Anyways Thank's for reading my application guys. Feedback is highly appreciated. ~ Javid I I am I
If you're going to apply for moderator actually read the format. They scraped the idea of two game-modes off, it's global. You told me that I was a 'tard', behaviour for a moderator? nice You're immature, tend to get into fights a lot and easily. Also, hardly see you in-game. No support.
Thanks for your feedback. However, you can't expect me to do anything other than apologize for when I said this to you. What's been said has been said, and it's your choice whether or not to forgive me. I believe I've changed between now and when I called you those names. I was fairly new to the community and didn't have many friends. Now, I am more well-known and I wouldn't say the same things.
The majority of his time online is spent on Prison. I think that's fine, he'd just have to occasionally check other parts of the server if he was promoted. Tbh most mods spend their time in one gamemode.
It's great you put a lot of detail and work. Sometimes people who post like this aren't honest but this is good!
No support, when ever I'm in game all I see from you is disrespectful and rude comments to other players along with myself when I jail you for using contraband items. You're immature, Don't know the rules, Rude, Disrespectful and with the things you've said about the community, I honestly don't know why you'd apply.