@bananaman11223 Please, I need your help, check if i'm banned or something, any guides, please i'm begging you guys, I am freaking out! I badly wanna go back to mineverse, I changed my password, username, EVERYTHING! WHAT ELSE DO I HAVE TO DO! :mad::drowning::grum:
I tried changing the ip to mineverse.com, org, net. It still won't work, it says can't connect to server and java.net.connectionexeption: Connection timed out: no further information: Please can anyone help me! It's been a month or something, yes I entered mineverse but only in minechat to keep in touch with survival and to keep my claims alive!
Its to do with your internet or client. Check your firewall and internet settings. If possible delete and reinstall minecraft.
Do you use forge? If so, install the recommended, not the latest. That worked for me, but I don't know. Good luck getting back on Mineverse.
Head mods cant. Only cyp can. Lol. You wouldn't be ip banned or you would get a message saying "You have been banned:
You can't be ip banned. The server is on a proxy, we all would have been banned. (from what I've been told)
You tried loging from another pc? I had this problem yesterday and it was a problem with the Ipv6. Try changing your router.