I have rank Executive on OP Factions , Factions , Prison , Creative , Infection & others. Prison - https://gyazo.com/8a062e7373e076104fe2c5d7fcadb13b OP Factions - https://gyazo.com/b173a4ec221fa6abdcd3fd1096c6d23f Factions - https://gyazo.com/fad026b46d57253f1a6f87f70f79da2f Creative - https://gyazo.com/1d31dfa15f4539a5625d1793427d0055 Infection - https://gyazo.com/14928ba3b3038f43a265a7e2e3712aca Executive used to be the top rank & the most expensive rank. I'd like to have this rank fixed to Titan or so. Cause on executive I can't do anything with it , nor do I have a kit.
You will need to email CypriotMerks directly at: [email protected] Please provide: Your IGN Proof of your rank Proof of payment if you have it.
same to me its been about a month and i emailed the support email and i made 2 report and nothing has happened @Pile_of_Butts @CypriotMerks
You could probably email support Here or click the 'Contact Us' button on the bottom right of the forum page, it should look like this. With the sufficient proof, you may be able to exchange for a different rank (not too sure if you are able to exchange :/).