hi i cannot clear my plot in creative. i am the owner of the plot and when i try to clear it, it says this: yes i have changed my name from zampage to ohhlawrd..so i think thats the problem. thank u, bye
Hi OhhLawrd this problem can be resolved by either emailing [email protected] and patiently waiting for a response, or by changing your username to the one the plot is claimed on. - Herpy
Email [email protected] or just change your ign back to the one you used to claim your plot in the first place. Hope this helps.
1 You change your name back to old name. 2 When you can change your name back, dispose your plots 3. Change your name 4. Quickly re claim your plots back, be careful as people can claim your disposes plots, but this is very, very unlikely. 5. ENJOY! (Or, you could go to [email protected] although you should bump the email (Just reply to it) every week (give or take), then Cyp will listen to you, as he gets a lot of messages and can become very busy.)
You can't change your name that many times in that short period of time, I think there is a 1 month cool down, I could be wrong, this method wouldn't work so please stop posting it on everything about name changes please
That might be you.. I did it and for me it was worth waiting for Cyp to reply to my email which would've probably not have even happened.
Ask one of the head mods- bananaman or gizzbots I think or its someone else but defiantly banana man is one of them
You can 1. Change your name back or 2. Try to email support Here or click the 'Contact Us' button on the bottom right of the forum page, it should look like this. With sufficient proof of name change using a site such as namemc.com you should be able to acquire access to your plot (or at least have the sign removed, or something similar).