Why do you think he had his profile locked? To prevent arguments over it. And what about the accounts @Jesus and @Satan ? Jewish people might find Jesus' account offensive. While Christians might find Satan's offensive.
10/10. The two uses @Satan @Jesus are known "beliefs" Yet you remove a users beliefs status? 8/8 abuse?
That's my point exactly. Why remove an atheists status and not a christian account, or an anti christian account?
I'm pretty sure the reason it was deleted was the fact that it could be offensive to anybody with a religion that believes in god. I myself am not one of them, but I see why it was deleted.
Yet several people have stated this, but look at @Satan @Jesus they're Christian and Anti-Christian but not Deleted nor Banned.
They are not insulting any religion. Saying that someones region is false, whether it was a joke or not may be taken offensively. If I told you that I was atheist and told you that God doesn't exist, that would be offensive.
Did you not understand what I said? A a name is not offensive. Saying someone's God is fake has the potential to be. Now that I have answered your longing questions Mineter, would you like to to be closed? If this turns into a flame war, it will be anyways. Tad, PM me please. We need to talk about something.
The specific usernames of "Jesus" and "Satan" isn't implying any offence, therefore the accounts are still there. If for instance they started posting stuff related to their usernames, in a way of offensiveness, then yes a ban would probably happen. This is all about offending, nothing more, nothing less. I myself am an Athiest. Yes it does annoy me when people of any religion boast about how their God is all that. So yes, I do see it from a religious person's point of view also.
Not sure why this thread was left open... I will state this again. Religion and politics has no place here, this includes Atheism. This is a Minecraft forums. Not a political or religious soapbox. You want to argue/state your opinion on the existence or non-existence of god? Feel free to do that on twitter, or facebook. This is a gaming site. Also Mine, you know better. :/
That makes no sense. Do you really want to challenge me on my choice? He is breaking the rules, therefore I have complete control over the action. He can do what he wants in the real world but if it invades the laws put here, it will go poof. You have no reason to be getting involved nor what you're saying is justified on MV. My post seems to be going unread my many. "Your God is not real". I just explained 3 times above how that could be potentially offensive. That is what he was punished for. Freedom of speech on Mineverse? I don't think so. Sure, if it doesn't break rules, go ahead! Good day, I hope you understand now. This status will not be undeleted.