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  • ****The Lack of Mineverse Staff****

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Syndicade, Oct 7, 2015.

    1. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I thank you, as well as the others, for taking the time to read my rather lengthy thread. Truly means a lot :D
    2. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      Exactly what was on my mind. :)
      The good application are 'buried' and forgotten.
    3. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      That's exactly what I don't want happening to this thread personally
    4. nick ok

      nick ok Well-Known Member

      Apr 27, 2014
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      The mods also have lives to live…
      just saying
    5. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Understood. I addressed this issue multiple times in my thread, for if you read the thread itself fully. :p
    6. AbbyzMC

      AbbyzMC Active Member

      Oct 7, 2015
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    7. Robisgreat10

      Robisgreat10 Well-Known Member

      Oct 6, 2014
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      Support!!! :)
    8. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Thank you for the feedback m8 :D
    9. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      Sticking a thread would only be used for helpful threads that users need to keep track of.
      Forms, how-to's, helpful instruction threads. Things like that. This thread, while nice is not one to be stickied.
      Lola, while inactive has given more than enough time to this server.
      She is a great example of why I support the idea of a retired staff rank/custom title.
      You are new here so I will sum this up for you rather quickly.
      MV has never had "enough" staff, and in my opinion there is no such a thing as "enough" staff.
      We have had a lack of active staff here from the day I began playing back in 2013. This sort of thread has been posted time and time again, and while I agree we need more staff; we can't just promote any old "John" off the street.
      Cyp is choosy, and that's a good thing. <3

      I would also like to point out while it's easy to state" We need staff from every time zone", that again is a tough feat. For the same reason I stated above, and because not all time zones apply at the times we hire.

      This thread is nice, and I've seen many like it.
      It is nice to see users who take pride in this community. Thank you.
      Cyp is more than aware of the need for staff, and he will promote when he feels the time is right. (he always does) :P
      We will have new staff promoted soon.

      Things I support here:
      • Retired Staff custom title/rank.
      • Understanding it's lack of staff, not the inability of the team that is the issue.
      • The need for more staff.
      I work for a few servers and I can tell you that it's not easy being an admin. Cypriot's work goes mostly unnoticed here. Most of his work is behind the scenes, and he's seldom email'd a thank you note for his hard work. He's been the only admin for Crew's many servers at least 3 years now. Its a rough job that goes mostly unrewarded. I encourage you to drop him an email. Just a short note to let him know how much you love this server. He notices those things. <3

      As for my activity personally, I am in game daily. Mostly where the hackers are, KitPvP and OPPvP, but you can find me anywhere the reports are coming from. I handle many reports and do my best to get in game to play with the kids I signed up to serve here as often as possible, but I am not the only one doing reports.
      There are many staff that go above and beyond what is required of them in regards to reports, and while I agree I wish more were in game I understand it's not easy logging on when you have these players disrespecting the job you do.

      I work hare here and while I am probably one of the most known/respected staff that has been here a long time, I am disrespected every time I get in game. Being that I am older, I understand these are kids and I don't take it to heart, but for some of these staff it's not as easy. It can make volunteering here a hard thing to do.

      I will make you a few promises tho!
      1. I will continue to work hard.
      2. I will not give up.
      3. I will remain as active as possible.
      4. I will keep a positive mindset and attitude everyday here.
      5. I will not abuse the powers given to me.
      It's not easy being staff.
      Next time you see one in game let them know you see them and appreciate their work.
      Positive rearward for a positive action, and who knows maybe you'll see that mod on again. <3
    10. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      Yes, but soon you will see an effect on your grades. Many people decide to play minecraft instead of doing homework or even class work. I get on as see people saying they are playing in school.. really? School is a place for learning and getting an education, minecraft can wait. Now back to the subject of the moderators, all the current moderators are amazing. They all do their job when they are online. Although sometimes i do come on and only see 1-3 moderators online at a time. We need more moderators that can handle this job and at the same time be able to handle personal life. Thanks you to all the moderators for making this server better, although not quite the best.

    11. zStrafe

      zStrafe Experienced Member

      Apr 16, 2014
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      This is very well written and as Banana said a majority of the staff team is extremely busy and not always available. Basically, what he's saying is they have lives and they're not always going to be on to help the server. They try there best and we should appreciate them for there hard work and dedication. Good luck with your thread!
    12. Jen

      Jen Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      I agree with the resignation title, not to sound biased or anything, but you should be at least mod for a total of 3-4 months before you can resign and get it. Just my opinion.

      Support on everything else.

      Btw, staff, this thread is not meant to bring you down, it's meant to lift you up. :)
    13. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      I should get a title because I was a good mod, js.
    14. Diamonds180

      Diamonds180 Well-Known Member

      Mar 17, 2015
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      Support to the absolute max.

      What would be good is if all the current staff made a plea.

      "I, (staff member), plea to do all of the following and if that is not completed, my position will be dropped.

      -I will read every report as soon as I see it and will not do anything off topic until that report is sorted.

      -I will be more active ingame and in forums.

      -I applied for a reason, to be a moderator. Therefore I will be a moderator and not a slacker.

      -I will not abuse my powers I have been kindly given.

      Spoken load and clearly by the Staff Moderator,
      (Mod name)"

      ^^ my idea of the plea
    15. Wolf64

      Wolf64 Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      I COMPLETELY agree!
      Also it looks like you spent a lot of time on this thread xD
    16. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      Support, but I have to say something.
      I find it total BULL that staff have to put up with this community, they have lives to live, they can't always be on.
    17. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Greetings again Pile :)

      I thank you for also developing a reply giving your own personal insight into this matter. You likely do not know just how valued it is for me. Just as I told @bananaman11223 , I have a high amount of respect for anyone who decides to take the town out of their own personal lives to manage a Minecraft server. It is indeed the major lacking of staff that has brought upon a major problem within, and even outside of the Mineverse server, not the staff themselves. I understand to the utmost degree, and highly respect your opinions of this ongoing problem. However, also like @bananaman11223 , I wish to give my own opinions and perspectives based on your reply only.

      Where to begin;
      You mentioned quite strongly that the lack of staff has been a frequent problem on here dating back to 2013? That Cyp, literally takes the time to pick the "best of the best, per say? While I can see where you're coming from wanting Cyp to choose staff himself, the very fact that the staff team is lacking is already by itself a major red flag. How is it a 1,000 player strong server is expected to be managed when it is in fact understaffed? This is a growing server that needs its rules to be actively reinforced. I know the current staff team tried their absolute hardest, and may be excellent staff members (such as yourself), but that isn't truly enough anymore. This isn't 2013, this is 2015 and the server is expanding by the month I would say. How is it Cyp along with the Staff truly expect this system to last? Another year? It can't last that long at this rate. Every single time i enter the MV server, I encounter all of the problems I listed above across *multiple* gamemodes. I understand staff such as yourself do a fine job, but how is it you expect to be on all the time? The answer is simple; You can't. I'm going to make another analogy compared to an IRL job. Say you yourself are the CEO of a growing cooperative business. You need more employees though. What do you do? The problem with handpicking people you believe to be the "best" could in fact prove otherwise. Not only this, but it'll bring a serious lacking of staff members. And this, my friend, is why I suggested a new training process. This is why employees hire people they think may be good enough for the job, train em, and then see if they live up to their standards. The same thing applies in this matter. With trail period, the fact of having new staff that are proven useless is moot as they can simply be demoted and replaced.
      If this goes on then what? MV and the staff will still have to face the extreme and overwhelming burden of major problems. In my opinion, this can't wait for too long. Change brings about great things usually, and this matter we REALLY need some change. None of this Cyp picking staff he sees fit when he wants to, no. This is another thing..
      The acceptance of apps needs to be based upon a consistent and scheduled routine. If the app acceptance system we have now remains in effect, guess what? The major problem of the staff team lacking members will persue.. And with it, problems that will just encourage stress and frustration even more. You've seen many threads like this posted time and time again for a good reason. That is because it's a problem staff and players alike wish to be addressed, yet it hasn't for two years. This is a problem many seek to be resolved as you can see by this thread by itself.. The real question here is how much longer shall we wait for this change to happen?

      By the way, I was staff myself for a fair amount of time as well. It is hard, but it's also required. Without becoming too lengthy with my reply, I will say this.. Keep doing what you're doing, pile. You're an excellent staff and an amazing person. That's all there is to be said.

      **Sorry if there are any spelling errors, I wrote this at 6 AM lol.
    18. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Which is why, my friend, this staff team needs more members to carry such burden throughout.

      Your opinions are highly valued, btw. I thank you :)
    19. TADS

      TADS Guest

      But that's their constant excuse. "We have lives too"
      When they signed up for the job, they should at least be as active as they said they would.
    20. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      I must have not mentioned that we get to voice our options/choices for staff. Us mods post the apps we see and value as possibilities for promotions.
      From there the head mods talk amongst themselves.
      Finally the head mods take their choices to Cypriot who makes final decisions. Sometimes choosing from the list of apps we have suggested and sometimes picking ones we didn't, but he makes the final call on who is decided for staff and promotes when he sees fit.

      I know I mentioned this before but I will state it again.
      Cyp is aware of the need for more staff. This time of year(schools beginning) there is always a drop in player counts as well as active mods in game. Due to school focus.

      So yes, it is 2015 and yes, there have been many changes.

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