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  • ****The Lack of Mineverse Staff****

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Syndicade, Oct 7, 2015.

    1. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Greetings my fellow Mineverser’s! :D

      This is WolfBane(496), or Steve as you may refer to me as on here;
      Today, after two weeks of holding out on posting at least 5 threads of this matter in the “Rant” section, I have decided to publicly address an issue that has been brought up by players and staff alike. This issue being the Staff Team. But first, let me clarify what exactly is the problem in regards of Mineverse’s Staff. I have high respects for each of the staff members of this community, and appreciate their hard word committed towards Mineverse. There are many Mods I know of that make superb staff members. Mods such as @Scorvix whom constantly put forth great effort in aiding the members of this community, and by trying their best to clean the server of problems. It is not the actual staff members that make up the Staff Team that are the issue at hand, no. The issue of this Staff Team is in fact the extreme lack of staff members that compose this team. I have been privileged to be apart of this wonderful server for about three weeks or so, and have noticed something amiss on the server itself. That being a heavy lack of management on the Mineverse server itself. As I stated, it is not the actual current staff team’s fault regarding this issue. Rather it is the fact that the staff team is, well, understaffed. Which in turn has brought up the question I, as well as many others, have asked.. “Where are all the Mods at?! I began thinking to myself.. Hmm, perhaps they are vanished, simply are doing a poor job with their duties at hand, or perhaps even at @CypriotMerks house having a marshmallow party alongside @Noobcrew ? This is a question many of us have honestly pondered at some point during our playtimes. With a serious lacking of staff members brings about many problems that may damage the servers reputation. These problems being;

      • Hackers
      • Advertisers steal away players
      • Spammers
      • Griefers
      • Bullies
      • Spam Waves (Ex: Say 2 if you’re from the U.S.)
      • etc, etc.
      These are problems that are not to be taken lightly whatsoever. These are problems that can cripple the server itself if it becomes extreme enough. I understand we the players can report such rule breaks, but honestly we can’t do it in such a swift fashion staff members could do it in. We the players shouldn’t have to carry the duties and burdens of the staff, as we are simply on Mineverse to enjoy ourselves. With a lack of staff, there aren’t enough people to enforce the server rules upon those who wish to break them. With this brings about a major problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. I honestly don’t even know how this server retains an average player count of 800 or so daily with the abundance of hackers, spammers, adverts, and such that literally ruin the fun for many. Not only this, but imagine how the staff members themselves must feel? Not only do these people have their own personal lives to attend to, but they also can’t be on every server at one single given time. The staff themselves must feel utterly overwhelmed because of the lack of staff members that should extend to every gamemode of the server. I honestly feel pity for not only the staff for having to carry such overwhelming duties, but also the players whom are also constantly greeted with what seems to be an endless wave of rule breakers.
      A little story to share with y’all before I continue further with this thread. I myself have a very high experience when it comes to moderating and administrating over communities. Last year I had the privilege of being recruited on my ex-favorite server of which I was promoted to the highest ranking staff rank in just a mere two weeks. I know what staffing is like. It’s repetitive, constant, and honestly very boring. But, I enjoyed the hell out of cleaning the server of rule breakers, and securing the community I loved deeply. I alone sometimes had to handle the 300 player occupied creative server at times, and honestly it was very painful for me to sit through. This server I was apart of had no such problems Mineverse is having, and it is slightly less populated than this server. This is due to the consistent staff app system they had in place, the staff training processes, and of course more staff members online. Honestly, this problem is very cringy for me to endure every single day I enter Mineverse.. And I guarantee you many others feel the same way.

      Anyways, with these problems addressed, I have a few suggestions in mind that may be implemented on here that may benefit the staff team and community as a whole:

      More Consistent Staff Apps

      I honestly don’t mind at all the way the staff apps are set up now. However, there are too less staff apps being accepted on a consistent basis to the point as to where there aren’t enough new staff joining to bolster the ranks. The last server I was apart of, they had a very excellent way of managing their staff team through what they call “app batches.” Every month 100 players or so would apply for staff, and the highest ranking staff members would decide if they were staff material or not. While some of you may not wish to see this implemented, this system did prove to show very beneficial to the server as a whole. This is because the staff team was constantly bolstered on a consistent basis. If there were any staff members that failed to perform their duties, they were promptly demoted in return, thus allowing these new staff members to replace them. While I know this system may not be exactly be put into place.. I at least HEAVILY suggest accepting staff applications on a consistent basis. This way the staff team will never remain understaffed, and a constant wave of new staff members could prove extremely beneficial for everyone on here. Perhaps every month or two, a select number of applications can be accepted upon a given date. Timezones should also be taken into consideration in addition!

      More Staff Ranks

      While this is not necessary, the addition of adding more staff ranks could prove most effective for the Staff Team as a whole. At the very extreme least, I heavily recommend a new “Trainee” staff rank of sorts. While I am not heavily acknowledged of the training system on here, a trainee rank for the newly appointed staff members would prove very beneficial for many reasons. Newly recruited staff members would be given a training process of which they learn the different commands that are required to staff properly. After their training trail ends, they are given very basic staffing commands (/kick, /mute, etc), and must prove themselves truly fit for being a Mod. From there, it is up to the “higher-up’s” to decide whether or not they should be promoted, require further training, or should be demoted in general. With this process in place, not only will the new staff members will well acquainted with their duties, but also the rank of “Mod” must be earned through proficiency. That way the Mod team won’t be mixed with inexperienced staff and experienced staff, and will be easier to tell which staff members just aren’t cutting it. Overall, this would prove very advantageous for the Staff Team as it’ll be only filled with the best of the best.

      Retired and Demoted Staff

      Retired Staff - While this also isn’t necessary, I never noticed that the “resigned” staff members on here whom of which worked very hard on this server receive no recognition for their staffing. It’s odd seeing that when the people that put forth much of their time to safeguard this server are simply stripped of everything, and *boop!* Back to being an average joe shmoe player. At the very least the addition of a “Retired Staff” rank on the forums, or a server rank of sorts would be most appreciated. These people took the time out of their lives to help this server, and truly make an impact.. Yet they receive nothing in return? Just back to being an average player? I believe previously renowned staff which have resigned, such as @Prin ,could agree to this matter. It just doesn’t sound right to me in my own opinion. However, opinions of this will honestly vary.

      Demoted Staff - In contradiction to the retired staff, I believe the *demoted* staff should receive nothing in return for their services. Meaning no tag, no recognition, etc. They were demoted for a reason, thus rendering the need for a rank of sorts moot. However, I believe demoted staff should be able to re-apply after a time period depending on what they were demoted for. If they abused and or griefed, then I believe these members should not be able to re-apply at all. On the contrary, If it were for a lack of staffing, etc that they were demoted for.. Then I believe they should be given the chance to re-apply if they so please.

      With all of this said, the staff team in its current state is heavily weakened due to the fact that it lacks members. Things such as the inconsistent influx of which apps are accepted, and the lack of ranks also both aid in the weakening of the staff team. With the reinforcement of new staff members will, by itself, bring great changes within this community. Not only will a larger staff team prove most efficient in relieving the server of rule-breakers, but it’ll also relieve the staff members themselves of overwhelming problems. This in turn may even increase server population thanks to the absence of people who wish to ruin other player’s experience on the server. Some of you may disagree with my suggestions and opinion in regards to this problem, which is perfectly understood. But the problem of the staff being overstretched is real, and has been constantly addressed by players/staff alike. With all of this in mind, I personally love this community and do not wish to leave it anytime soon. I recently donated for the God rank and have no regrets honestly, as I truly wish to make a difference on here. However, the lack of staff on Mineverse is a heavy burden we have been all carrying. A burden that has been proven most vital to be taken care of. Yes, perhaps even more so than the recent crashing, lagging, bugs, etc. I truly wish to this problem fixed soon, alongside many others who have grown in frustration.

      - ***Do not hesitate to leave your opinions below. What makes us all human is the ability to perceive problems differently, and have varying opinions. I will be keeping a track of the number of people who support, are neutral, and do not support the idea of the increase of staff members on here.***

      I thank you guys for reading, and have a wonderful day/night! :) Feel free to also personally address me with any concerns you may have, and or merely wish to have someone to talk with. :p

      - S

      Support: 58
      Neutral: 1
      No Support: 1
      Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
    2. Realizinq

      Realizinq Well-Known Member

      Jul 26, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support, a lot of great ideas here.
      Yeah, including that. I beleive Head-Moderators should get more permissions than normal mods.
      I've seen a server where if you're a retired/demoted mod, it says it on your title.
    3. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
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      I don't think it's lacking staff, but not all the staff really know what they're doing.
      Or some of the staff just don't do anything.

      Not attempting to bash on staff, just being real.
      And if you can't stand the truth, gl hf.
    4. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      Advertisers have been getting away with it on Op,and hackers are common on Op as well as kit.

      I'm so sick of this, The Staff Team Needs to stand up for this server.
    5. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      Some mods barely get on. Of I see a mod it's rare to me.
      I wish I was mod.
    6. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Both are true, indeed.
    7. Ramroids55

      Ramroids55 Active Member

      Jul 9, 2014
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      The real reason we don't have a tremendous staff team, is because 99.999% of the applicants don't meet Cyp's or Noobcrew's criteria for a moderation position. You'll notice that the VAST majority of applicants have been on the server for less than a year. The new players wanting to become moderators are suspicious. Do they legitimately want to help the server? or do they have ulterior motives? This is why we aren't over flowing with moderators and staff. Every single moderator or staff member has thoroughly been vetted by current staff and the owners, to make sure their intentions are pure. This takes time. For all we know, there may be 40 new staff members in the works, but they haven't been announced. Like i said, the process takes time. Mods aren't appointed by ratings, by whomever likes who. The staff has a process to pick a moderator/etc. Just give it time
    8. Krissy

      Krissy Boss Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Thank-you for realising that even if all of us got on the server actively in our timezones that we cannot effectively keep all gamemodes moderated at all times. That also is a fantasy. Yes we should have more staff.

      If mineverse was to get a forum admin again than retired staff can be an optional custom title for resigned mods. Demoted mods or "fired" mods could get a title too but I dont think they need it.

      But no new staff ranks, for now.
    9. l0wkey

      l0wkey Well-Known Member

      Aug 14, 2014
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      Nicely said :o. I agree with almost everything he stated. Its sad that he can see this in the first 2-3 weeks he has been here. Support I suppose.
    10. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Your opinion is most valued, and I understand there a lot of "newbies" trying to grab the rank of staff. However, this is why I suggested a better training process to be taken into action. This way, the new staff members can be well acquainted with the commands they must use. They must prove themselves staff worthy to be "promoted" and "trusted," per say. This may in fact nullify this problem.
      And yes, it seems you have the same point as to where the apps should be accepted by the entirety of the staff + Cyp. However, what I suggested is that the acceptance of apps is to be increased on a consistent basis. This way, the problem of a staff team lacking staff members is solved.
      It is a fantasy indeed, and a fact I fully am aware of. However, a bolstering of the staff team will lessen this problem.
    11. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      There all like 16 mods or something.
      My point is not all mods can Moderate the server,but if you guys make a plan that'll can help it.
    12. TADS

      TADS Guest

      @Pile_of_Butts is the only one that actually does stuff (from a players view)
    13. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      So.. I'm guessing that's a support? Lol
    14. TADS

      TADS Guest

      ofc it's a support

      Our current staff team is, lacking. We need head mods to get more permissions. We need more mods. We need more Admins. We need people that do their job.
    15. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      There may have been problems and we may still have a "negative" conception but... I have seen tremendous improvement in this team as far as moderation duties. Considering the few of us, I'd say the work load is being kept at a reasonable rate. I have spent countless hours of my life planning and creating things to help mods succeed. So have others. These people know how to preform as a moderator. Remember, they make mistakes - Not everyone is perfect. I love all the staff members and accept them for who they are.

      The amount of mods is low though we should have new staff members soon. We have people in mind. I hope to make this promotion a large one that will help Mineverse a ton. But even if, moderators constantly on each gamemode is a fairy tale sadly.

      I know the activity of all the moderators. Only 3 of us are above school age. These people have many duties such as school work. They have other priorities to. I admire how they attempt to level the work load. Sure, improvement can be made but I will keep on encouraging the staff. Hopefully we can move on and get some new helpful hands.
      Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
    16. YRVintage

      YRVintage Guest

      Ive seen advertisers on SkyWars alot... The only staff member I have actually seen so far is Demoralized. [I support.] *NOTE May be because of my time zone*
    17. totallynotjacki

      totallynotjacki Active Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      hey look a wild thrread tht makes sence
    18. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Nothing happened before Pile got mod. Reports sat for days (some for weeks) then, when Pile was promoted, stuff happened. Reports were handled.

      I haven't seen much activity from the other staff.
    19. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Tad, there is no way for you to know for sure. Sure, I admit pile is a huge help but other staff members are committing as well. It would not be fair to say pile was the only one.
    20. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
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      He just said from a player's perspective....

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