Support. I think this would put the workload off a little for the mods. Even though some of the moderators I havent even seen ingame...
This honestly highly confused me when I first discovered Mineverse. Every server I have been on has at least four staff ranks.. Those being; Trainee (helper) rank of sorts Mod Admin Owner Literally on Mineverse its just the mods and the owners. I'm not 100% sure how the training on here works, but how is it you expect new staff to be automatically considered 'mods' without a trail/training process? If the trainees aren't good enough for staff, then they get demoted and can re-apply in the future. Honestly very confusing why this isn't implemented IMO. Plus in terms of staff, there's a heavy lacking of management on the server itself. I've only seen 2 mods on before in the last week, and that's it. Maybe the others were /vanished? IDK. I hope that's the case, lol. So I lean towards support. :P
Agreeing with Wolf. Although it's not completely needed, it could allow for some more administrative and important things that the mods can do. Also, when the mods have to go somewhere, basically the best they can do is put the Highest-ranked or most well-known member in charge until another comes on. Assertiveness is something a lot of us possess, however sometimes it can't stop all the trouble-makers. However, Reports are a tool that we can use, so until this may or may not happen, we can just use Reporting.
No support, this has been suggested before, and I don't believe that we need any lower ranking titles.