Does anyone else find it extremely annoying when people use there, they're, and their wrong? For example, when someone types "There dying over their" Like, how hard is it to learn the difference... They're building their house over there.
I know the feeling as people call me the resident grammar Nazi and although it frustrates me massively I have to step away from the keyboard and not say anything because it annoys people when they're corrcted and I don't want to come across as rude xD
In all seriousness, it isn't that hard to understand the differences between these. There: A place or position. Example: There is a frog over there. Their: Possessive. Example: That is their ball, not ours. They're: They are. Example: Later, they're going to the beach to surf. Same with "your" and "you're". Your: Possessive. Example: Go get your shoes. You're: You are. Example: You're nice. I'm sorry but this really bothers me. lol
It is easy to learn! I've noticed that it's hard for people to remember! They're there with their game! See easy for me! They're - is a contraction of "they" and "are" "They're show you how to play the game." There - remarks/refers to a place or point in time "They are showing me how to play the game over there." Their - shows ownership in reference to a person or proper noun "They are showing me how to play their game." So -- They're showing me how to play their game over there.
It doesn't frustrate me as such. I just wonder if these people actually know the difference, because if they don't...I am worried.