Hi Readers, I'd like to post a template of a help archive I found. It's problems with my username change, Creative is my only problem. Can't plotme add, of course. PROOF I'M HUNTER: https://namemc.com/s?The_Hunter_302 TEMPLATE I changed it up a bit from donation issues: My exact in game name currently is: _iHaveEbola My exact old in game name was: The_Hunter_302 My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: Adding player(s) to my Plot, Creative. Thanks a lot, if I'm missing anything, please tell me. It was problematic finding a template for this exact issue, so I hope this is alright. If not, please give me a PM or something. Thanks so much! Regards, _iHaveEbola
Hmm. I never personally experienced such problems before in regards of IGN changes. However, I have indeed heard it has been buggy for some. In this case, I agree with Censor's suggestion of contacting Mineverse support via email. To do so, follow this template big ole Cyp posted in regards of contacting [email protected] : http://www.mineverse.com/threads/mineverse-support-email-help-template.5743/
I have seen that post, I followed it, copy+pasted it, then changed it up a bit to fit the right problem. Thanks, @WolfBane
There are two options that you can choose to do. Either contact [email protected] with your evidence and wait patiently for a response, or change your username back to the one your plot is claimed on. - Herpy
1 You change your name back to old name. 2 When you can change your name back, dispose your plots 3. Change your name 4. Quickly re claim your plots back, be careful as people can claim your disposes plots, but this is very, very unlikely. 5. ENJOY! (Or, you could go to [email protected] although you should bump the email (Just reply to it) every week (give or take), then Cyp will listen to you, as he gets a lot of messages and can become very busy.) Hey _IhaveEbola!! :3 Know you from Infection
So I had recently changed my name to intoxicvted, and I have access to add / remove players to my plots. You should try again. This might have been fixed.
Thanks, TADS. I've seen you online, I changed my name about 1-1 1/2 weeks ago, haven't you had the name intoxicvted for a while longer?
Yes. Since, 9/28/2015 4:04:04 PM (UTC−4) You should try it again. As I said before, I oddly have permission to add / remove people.
This plot (-362;357) is not yours. You are not allowed to add someone to it. <-- Exactly what it said.