Welcome To My Moderator App Hope You enjoy Reading! 1. How old Are you? I am 13. 2.Your in-game name: jakechao 3.What timezone are you in? Pacific Time Zone 4. What Country do you Live in? USA United Stats Of America. 5.What Languages do you Speak? English/Mien and Im learning Spanish. 6.Why do you Think you should Become Mod? Here are some Things Why i think i should be Mod. Respect I have Alot of Respect for The Mineverse server and Players. Trust I am a Very Trust Worthy Person. I will Never Lie about Something That happened. Honest I am Very Honest. I will always Tell The Truth To any Mineverse Player or Staff. Helpful I can be Very at Helpful at Times when 2 Players argue and Find out Whos Lieing and Whos telling the Truth.I also Can be Very Helpful Making Sure Mineverse Players are having a Good time with No hackers Running around. Not Many Staff Members Online I have Been Going from Gamemode to gamemode Seeing That there arnt Staff Online.Even when a Mod is On There usually AFK on the Forums. Hackers. There are Many Hackers that Alot of People complain About on Mineverse. If i became Mod i would Help The People that Are Losing There stuff From the hackers,Help them Regain there stuff and Ban the Hacker. Very Mature For my Age i am Very mature. I can Calm down a Situation With out making someone Be very Mad and Leave the server. 7.How long can you be Active on the server Everyday? On weekdays Im usually on for about 2-5 Hours or More. On Weekends about 4-7 Hours. 8.How long have you Been Playing Mineverse? I have been Playing Mineverse Ever Since March 2013.Way back at The start OF this amazing Server. 9. Do you have any Past Experience as a Moderator? Yes i have Been Admin of a Server that had about 70 Players on at all Times. People that Inspire me are: @ININJAI @Pile_of_Butts @ Mineterria @ KewlMCDude @Gwism Well This has Come to The end of my Moderator App.If you think I'm Responsible To Take this Honor Give me some Support :D.