He's a fake account, he basiclly wants to ruin me. He hates me. I'm probably getting banned from everything what The other Fish does so. Good bye cruel world.
No support. No detail, applications should take a good amount of time to make, this seems rushed, very rushed. Also, bad spelling. I would recommend you help out on the forums first also.
Lol. Forget admin or mod, he's gona be president soon. O ma gurd, I want presidenteh in Unatid stids of murica. #Fishlips4president2020
You don't deserve mod my fellow homo sapien. You deserver CO-OWNER OF MOJANG! :D Serious though, I hate when people post apps without even bothering to read how it is applications are to be formatted.
No support. You are an impersonating piece of crap, you do not deserve to be mod. I suggest we get a mod to ban him from forums by impersonating him..... No support. Requesting a forum ban to this impersonator? BAN THE FAKE ONE WITH THE MALE SYMBOL AVATAR.