You are 48 yet your name is "COOKIEMANIA362" and even if you want a real reason(s), you clearly have little experience with MV forums, you are not active on the forums, you don't seem even 20 let alone 48. That good enough?
Cookie some of these people are not being very nice to you. Maybe be a little more active on forums but other than that I give support.
Ok, People are not saying it's a bad thing, @Pile_of_Butts is 38, and she doesn't care, but she's more mature for her age. According to you, you don't know how to use the reply button. This is a Joke.
No support sorry! Get to know the forums a bit, if you need any help with that you can PM me. Add more color
No support I mean the application itself is alright, but you really don't act like you're 48. Try to say everything in one reply and reply to people's comments using the "Reply" button under there comment. Other than that be more active in game and on forums. Good luck!
You're not 48, you're 10. Your grammar is horrendous for a 40 year old. You Capitalize So Many Things Like This. Your last application says you're 10. Don't lie about your age, it's not helping. No support
Watch what you say... 'Disagreed'. You 'DisLIKED' them. Much difference, you obviously have to learn on here. Dislike gives a fully negative rating, which are shown on any users profile. Disagrees don't count as a rating, they just show that a certain person doesn't agree with the comment (or thread) you posted. If you don't agree, please use the matching rating.