add helper rank and promote people who are really helpful and nice ingame.. PERMISSIONS: /kick maybe a cooldown so they won't abuse it.. /tempmute
we need more mods then, because we only have like 20 mods that are only moderating about 3-4 hours a day. and there is 20 gamemodes and none of them is moderating hellblock, skygrid and op factions very often
Saying "we" have have serious mods and that`s all we need. You say it like they are of you with some other people or you think you are staff. Lol
Well, going off the fact that 99% of the mods are never online, this would be nice. You should include if they have any commands, or any special perms. Aside from that, support.
i think that's the moderator's job ;) this is what the helper's job is. (they help people by answering their questions..) example: player: i lost my donor rank bro, how do i contact an admin bro? helper: bro you need to email [email protected]. or, player: how do i clear my plot bro? helper: bro you gotta type /plotme clear.
mkay however regular players can help other players, on many other servers helpers have commands, permissions, etc
Well, people help like help all the time anyway. I don't think they should get a special rank just for answering questions like that.
I guess you could just bump up the number of mods instead as most mods know their stuff and are good helpers but a good idea nonetheless
This has been suggested heaps, Cyp has denied this suggestion everytime, Moderators are online almost all the time in the day and night for some because of the timezones, We moderate all those gametypes throughout the day as much as we can, if you don't see us online then it's your timezone. Neutral.