Not supporting 1. I've seen you hack multiple of times 2. You advertised 3. Not only this server you hack on I've seen you on another phew servers your hacking. You won't do good as guard/mod
Not to be rude, but did you see the screenshot I made above? he just avertised his application on my app, I had Pokemaniac01 edit & remove it.
Why should I let things influence it? He clearly doesn't know how to use signatures, and admit it, everyone puts applications in their signatures. Why should signatures be not counted as posts? Don't try to change my opinion unless you know my meanings, please.
Hmm, 40% support. Although I can believe this app, I haven't seen you ingame enough to make it 90%. A little more detail and you'll be 100% in no time!
yup supported ur kick back chilllaxed person who doesn't rage or anything like that u would have a good new mod!