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  • UPDATED: Can Someone Please Help?

    Discussion in 'Help' started by xX_IDK_Xx, Oct 4, 2015.

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    1. xX_IDK_Xx

      xX_IDK_Xx Experienced Member

      Sep 26, 2015
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      -->Please at least read the "brief" version before commenting.<--
      Brief: I can't get to my plot without being kicked from the server. I have tried the shop items. I tried resetting my plot, but I can't even do that. (I tried to reset it while in spawn.)
      Can anyone help?


      I can't get to my plot on the creative server. I can enter the server after 'purchasing' the spawn tp, however, whenever I do /plotme home, an error occurs and I get kicked from the server. I can only enter the creative server again after 'purchasing' another spawn tp. I've tried 'purchasing' the inventory clear while in spawn, but it still won't let me go to my plot.
      I can probably fix this problem by resetting my plot, but I can't even do that... (Also, this blog was originally posted to ask if anyone had an alternative solution, rather than clearing my plot and progress.)


      The error says:
      Connection Lost
      Internal Exception: io.handler,codec.decoderException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Tried to read NBT tag that was too big: tried to allocate: 2097159bytes where max allowed: 2097152
      Back to server list

      This occurred when I broke a single chest (while flying above near it). The content spawned and I was kicked. Background Info: I had filled that chest with other chests, which caused my first problem. This problem happened because I tried to remove that chest from my plot after failing to remove it with lava. I was flying when I broke it to try to avoid the error and let the stuff despawn from a safe distance, keeping my inventory empty; this amazing strategy worked perfectly :(.
      Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
    2. TADS

      TADS Guest

    3. xX_IDK_Xx

      xX_IDK_Xx Experienced Member

      Sep 26, 2015
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      I know I wrote a lot, so I've added a brief version since it seems people won't actually read all of it... thanks for trying to help and at least replying. (not being sarcastic) I'm just curious if you know any way for me to reset my plot without actually entering it. That's it :)
    4. TADS

      TADS Guest

      The only person(s) that have that permission is Cypriot and Noob. Tanner might have it, and he might not.

      Have you tried either of the creative things? (tp to spawn & clear inventory)
    5. xX_IDK_Xx

      xX_IDK_Xx Experienced Member

      Sep 26, 2015
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      I guess my only option now is to email customer support or quit playing creative on this server :/
      Thanks for the info...
    6. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Locking as inactive.
      If this is still an issue feel free to open another thread.
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