Hi guys, you ain't seeing a mod application right now, but hey, maybe a head on how to make one (just some things to consider hehe) First things first, follow the template: How old are you? (don't say you're 42 with sons and daughters, unless you are. hue hue) Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak? Why do you think you should become a mod? (one of the main points of a mod app) How long can you be active on the server everyday? How long have you been playing Mineverse? Have you ever been banned in the past? Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Many people don't consider this, and the application is basically useless. Second of all, be honest. Nobody cares if you're 9, 14, or whatever. Just don't lie. If you do, people would most likely know about it, and probably won't trust you. :/ Don't expect yourself to become mod immediately after posting an app. This takes hella time, and it is a large responsibility... which is why some moderators resign :I. Bragging or Advertising lowers your chances in become mod. And helps to make a fool of yourself :p Become a member or active member before applying, because chances are, people won't support you. Lastly, have heart. Look at some other moderator applications (don't copy cuz we can track them.) If you really wanted to be moderator, why? Tell us, and show how enthusiastic you are in becoming a staff, or as I call it, one with the server. Explain why you think you'll be a good mod. Many people just log on, make an application, and forget their forum account forever. It isn't that easy folks. Have fun making your moderator applications everyone, and take care, Im out.
As long as you don't act stupid, I don't believe so. ty though. All those people pretending to be 48 or something.