Preface: So, not a lot of people play minigames. The truth is, some of the minigames aren't exactly fun. So, I came up with my own, based off of the popular Garry's mod game on steam, Murder. I made this thread a while ago, but I cant grave dig it so here it is :p Starters: 8 players. 5 rounds. 1 person starts as the Murder 1 person is a bystander with a "hidden weapon" The last 6 people are bystanders with nothing. Kits: MURDER - One "knife" (Iron Axe) with a skin to make it look like a knife. BYSTANDER (with hidden weapon) - One pistol, (in GTA ranks, it would be a tier 1 damage 2) with 6 bullets BYSTANDER (without weapon) - Nothing. Gameplay: Everybody spawns around the map, about 15 blocks total from each other. The map is the size of a creative plot, so about 64x64, so people can submit there own maps. The game goes 10 seconds for people to run around, team up, etc. then the people are selected for kits. The game will say: A Murderer has been chosen! After this message is stated, the game begins with pvp enabled. The goal is to kill the murderer, or the murderer has to kill everyone else. Hidden around the map, you can find Guns and Armor. (BAD guns and armor, as to balance it out). The Murderer can use several different strategies like hiding his knife, or rampaging to kill everyone. The game will last for 5 Minutes (ONCE THE MURDERER HAS BEEN CHOSEN). Rubies: Kill as a Murderer - 5 rubies Kill as a bystander - 10 rubies. Kill the Murderer - 15 rubies. There are 5 rounds, so you can get various amounts each round. Knife-throwing: This is a mechanic in the game that allows the murderer to throw his knife, but once he throws it he us to go and pick it up. To be able to throw the knife, you must wait 20 seconds from the last time you threw it. Your xp bar will continuously go up as the seconds tick down, to show when you can throw it again. Once you grow it, you must pick It up, or someone else can pick it up and use it themselves. Distance: 15 blocks in the direction you are facing. Damage: 3 damage from 5-10 blocks 6 damage from 11+ blocks. NOTES: Everyone has an equal chance (12.5%) of being a Murderer, and the same person could be Murderer more than once. And yes, I know, Cypriot needs to work on making the server better, not adding games, but the game might help take people's mind off of the ruined gamemodes like Infection, until they are fixed. I made it so it does more damage with knife throwing from further distances to balance out gameplay. Once the murderer kills someone they can still put their knife away. The gun is an INSTA kill IF you hit them.
Support. However, I would like the pistol to be insta-kill, as it is in Gmod. Also, I think the murderer should be able to put away his/her knife after they have killed, to make it more realistic.
Sounds good, but maybe a bigger area (not to big) and a bit more players for a round. Anyway support!
Camping would be stupid, but it still can be bigger. Like flat area's to run and to watch who the murder is.
I love GMod. I actually played both the GMod version, and the Minecraft version. If this gets accepted I am def gonna make a map for this.
Thanks :D um... Thanks? If you are just gonna post stuff like that, please don't post in the first place