I want to know all your favorite Games for me I enjoy Csgo, minecraft, Arma, battlefront, callofduty, battlefield and the total war collection (that's a lot surge) Well because I enjoy my games and I play pretty much any game I see on steam XD
I have too many favorite games :( p.s. No joke, these are the games I frickin LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (favorite games in my life) -Super Mario 64 -Mario Kart 64 -Mario Kart 7 -Mario Kart 8 -Super Mario Maker -Donkey Kong Country -Donkey Kong Country 2 -Animal Cross: New Leaf -Call of Duty 4 -Call of Duty Black Ops 2 -Call of Duty Black Ops -Infamous -Infamous 2 -Infamous Second Son -Legends Of Zelda: Majora's Mask (that's the only Zelda game I played lol) (favorite games I'm playing right now) -Minecraft -Dirty Bomb -Team Fortress 2 -Feed The Beast Infinity (technically still Minecraft but modded, eh who cares.) -Clicker Heroes mostly excited for, Rainbow Six Siege of 2015.
My favorite games are: Donkey Kong country 1-3. Legend of Zelda, twilight princess, link to the past, adventure of link II, oos and ooa. Battlefront 1-3, Cod 1-3, Amnesia the dark descent, Penumbra, Slender man, The escapists, Minecraft, (And my favorite) Terraria.
Minecraft The Simpsons: Tapped Out Forge Of Empires Pokemon Black Pokemon Black 2 Pokemon X Pokemon Alpha Saphire
I like Minecraft (PC and PE), Club Penguin (PC), Super Smash Bros (Wii), Mario Party 8,9 (Wii), Brain Age 1.2 (DS) and many pokemon games (Diamond, Platium, Soul Silver, Black 1 , White 2, and Animal Crossing (DS and Wii)
My full list is; Elder Scrolls Fallout GTA Far Cry Assassin's Creed Minecraft Battlefield Dishonored CS:GO Gmod Team Fortress 2