Let's Just Stop This Flame War. I heard 8top is taking his shops down at his plot, and stop 'scamming'
You just stated I scammed. Just cause you hate me doesn't mean I scam... And if you are so sure can you prove it? All my buy/sell are done using chestshops, which is a mod in the server.
Look at the thread where it states you scammed them 8o bil for common keys which turned out to be tripwire.
Thank you Billy_Panda I'm the one that he scammed 80 billion from me by selling me normal tripwire hooks. The thing that sucks is I didn't video it so I don't have enough proof for action to be taken. The best thing to do it not trade with 8top as I and others have been scammed by him multiple times. People try and defend him and say he just has overpriced signs and that is true but he also scams people flat out.
@rpcraig I didn't scam you. You used a chest shop and I punched the sign to sell. If it was a scam, then you probably set up the shop wrong.
Guys stay on topic....if you want to talk to him about his scamming than start a conversation with him or start a different thread. Jeez :s