Hi i have titan on opprison but not on any other servers. This is really weard i have premium still on the other servers. Here is the proof. https://gyazo.com/f814a2e66d33e017dc5c4e3486ddd9e0 https://gyazo.com/de5f0b9b9041d31a7d59157705513ede https://gyazo.com/3f0dbfaf54e62c672ae4c2af07e9a3f0 My in game name Is KillTMan2000.
You have to email [email protected] with proof of your rank etc. That is probably the best/easiest way to get this sorted.
Should you downgrade him, I will lobby ban you as well. This is not a joke and no one here is laughing.
@CypriotMerks ill be sure to do the same thing i did if he buys me the rank again <3 thanks for your time.
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