I personally think that fishing rods should be contraband. When flying above everyone trying to find sword abusers, many people "fishing rod" me and is getting very annoying. People also use snowballs in the prison to push AFK guards into the side of the Prison walls, then they come and kill you. Here is a screenshot of what I mean.
Do not go AFK in PVP zone, Problem solved Edit: Also there is no wall behind you, I am actually doing you a favor and pushing you into the safezone, did you a favor
When I stand still for 1 second your on my tail trying to push me back to your friends waiting to slice me up.
Well you are a guard and we are prisoners, prisoners try to kill guards, that's one of the aspects of a Prison Server
In conclusion, fishing rods are like bows. People can kill from long distances and even stop a guard from completing a report. I know that the Prison is strict the way it is, but snowballs and fishing rods in the prison have no use other than annoying other players.
I see what you are saying and from your point of view I get it, but at the same time you can afk somewhere else. Contraband in a prison server is usually defined s an unfair way to kill others/real life resemblance of real prison weapons. Snowballs and fishing rods do not kill you. At most they downgrade your armor but you have /fixall anyway. The snowballs and fishing rods are a tool used to throw off your aim or hit you away when you come at us with a bow or OP diamond sword.