Its true that 1.9 is gonna ruin pvp, but most players are probaly gonna use 1.9,so i gotta say no support,i know 1.9 is gonna ruin pvp but thats just how it is,mostly people plays on the newest version.
Hm... I have to say no support, for a couple of reasons. A. In order for people to upgrade to a different version, maybe when they add certain blocks or perms that could potentially make the game even better... and B. Similar to the new iOS 9, there will be loads of people who upgrade immediately after it comes out.
Positives: Longer 1v1 fights. Negatives: Fishing rod doesn't always hit. New weapon of choice? Neutral: Sword recharging vs sword combos can be interesting. Feel free to quote this and tell me a positive, negative, or neutral thing about 1.9 pvp so people can refer back to this to base their opinions.
People are afraid they'd actually need to use some skill in fighting. They'd rather spam click. Edit; let the hate roll in. :P
There is a moment of invisibility. So you can only hit someone a certain amount of times per second. Anyhow. I can click that fast no problem. And I'm bad at speed clicking. You need to kick up your game a bit.
1.5: Blockhit or you're completely terrible. 1.6: Blockhit.irrelevant 1.7: Blockhitting is so old get with the program 1.8: Blockhitting is not possible. 1.9: Blocking is not possible, be forced to have an ISP in your closet.
This thread's about discussing whether or not 1.9 should get added to the server when it's stable, not some petty argument about who can click the best.