How old are you? I am currently 15, and turning 16 this year. (Turning 16 on Sep 13, so far away) :c Your in-game name? Ares_Xena Gender? Male. (been called a girl before ;-;) What time zone are you in? Western Europe standard time. (Rare) ._. What languages do you speak? English, Dutch And A Little German. How long can you be on the server everyday? 8 Hours a day on weekends, on workdays 6 hours. How long have you been playing mineverse? For about 6/7 months now I believe. Do you have any past experience as a past moderator? I have filled in for mods on difrent servers and have recieved no complaints. Cyberbullying. I help kids at my school everyday with bullying. It doesn’t matter if it’s simple taking lunch money, or home troubles. Even cyberbullying I handle. I have been doing the same online for the past 3 years. And have helped many people along the years, and am still continueing. I take cyberbullying very serious and if it goes too far I will respond with action. On the forums. -I will watch reports and read comments before judging. -I will watch reported videos carefully before judging. -I will handle ban apeals serious and can judge well to unban, or not. Handeling Surten Situations. I handle every situation calmly. I think before I take action. I don’t enjoy kicking, muting or banning players, But I will if needed. For example: -Someone is hacking in pvp. I will ask someone to record it, then report the person. Or record it myself and ban the person with that video. -If I detect cyberbullying I will warn the person bullying. I will give 3 warnings before muting. -Advertisement I treat with ban. No warnings. -Swearing/Abuseive Language I will treat with 3 warnings before muting. About Myself. My real name is Chris. I am 15 years old. I run a computer/electronics store with my uncle and am currently studying electronics and metalcrafting/machinery at school. And I plan to finish my school at the DutchCommando Navy Forces. I help my school with anti-bullyingprograms, events, you name it. I help my friends out all the time. Online and in real. I enjoy jogging, fixing up computers. Help clean at home, and chasing my cousin until she gives back my phone. I played a game called CWA in which I led 50mil People along with the SOE Enforcers to a glitched area where we challenged hackers to a battle. The loser loses his profile. The other one was lucky to keep his. Sadly enough that game has been deleted from network. Why I should become a mod. - TrustWorthy. Everyone I know trusts me with their deepest secrets. They know I'd never betray them in any way. -Honesty. I am always honest in my opinion if asked for. I will only lie if it is needed. (which luckily comes rarely) -Maturity. I am very mature, but oftenly can end up being a bit goofy. But we all have those moments. -Low on mods.-Helpfull. I am always ready help staff or regular players with any kind of issue. I've noticed guards are online often yes. But mods get online all together at once. I however remain on the server alot helping people, having fun. You name it. -Kindness/Friendlyness. I am always nice to people. I am nice until you make me mad (which comes rarely). If you're nice with me, I will be nice to you Simple rule right? -Timezone. I live in Holland which is on the west side of Europe and I noticed there are no mods online for these people in Europe. But if I were to get mod I could help those. Also alot of people from Holland play this game (trust me alot of them) so I can communicate with those better. Commuinity on mineverse. I have grown a small friendship pack which I can call a community by now I believe. These people I trust and would like to keep as my friend: (sorry if names are incomplete) Animallover567 (because she is the sweetest ^^) sienathebanana (i like crazy) sisma5 (for being crazy just like siena) MrParkourGuy (because he's 11 yet an amazing mod) kewlMCdude (because we both love computers) fishlips (because he's a fish that's why) kub (he knows about the unicorn) EnderStevePigman (i know him sinse my first community) Iizurmom (we go ice skating together) haylee (she fab and nice) MrBeefCake (i like beef and cake) theswagger (because he's cool) Boneless (a lovely person) SuperHeroSean (one guy i that i find awesomedeluxyfab) MorganCraft (just too fab) glaadiator (for being just a majestic bird) BlueWaffle (because waffles are just evil) mtis (for being a fun little kid) MaxNinja10 (for being a hero on kitpvp) After...4 hours of thinking. Here goes my mod app!!!
Support! You are an awesome friend. You would be an awesome Mod also. :D And, what the, I love computers xD
nice mod app. People posted this on mine and I'm saying it to you: your focusing a bit too much on yourself. not to be mean or to say: oh yeah people said this to me and I should say it to others this is only my opinion. but other than that, I think you will make an excellent mod! Good luck