So I know that there is another thread like this, but I can't find it. If you do, post the link and I'll have this one closed. Anyways.. This suggestion is about making it so you can only post a moderator application at Active Member (or member, admins choice) This will stop the spam of moderator apps that are complete garbage. Why? This will make it so only certain groups have the perms to post there. New members will still be able to comment, just not make a thread.
Some users are glitched with 0 trophy points and have had their ranks reset.. so not really in support of this.
Yes, but the system still recognizes them as Active member / member. Like TADS, his are there, in the system, just not visible to everyone.
Support. I think it would be beneficial to stop all of the new members that have no clue what they're doing from posting and it would encourage more people to be active on the forums. :p
But the moderators would understand that it is just a glitch so could let him make his thread elsewhere and they could move it into that section.
no support. our current head guard was only a member when he was accepted. It doesnt matter how long you've been on, just the dedication needed is enough.