hello. On behalf of all of the skyblock players and I, we would like these following things to be fixed. This would help the skyblock community greatly, and provide much more satisfaction and new players. 1) silk touch spawners: Many people have accidentally placed spawners or don't want them in the position they have them in now, so they try to break it. uh oh! There's no silk touch spawners in skyblock. Good job you've just wasted 40k. If silk touch spawners were added, we would love it. 2) Hoppers. Currently hoppers do not work because of the duplicating. If somehow Cyp or noob found a way to fix this and enable hoppers then it would be amazing. Everyday I see people asking "why don't hoppers work?". Many of us skyblock players have farms that we basiccly NEED hoppers to work in order to collect the items. But instead we have to go collect them ourselves which makes it harder. Also it can fill up chests, while we're gone. 3) spawn eggs- alright. Spawn eggs only work at 7 AM EST when the restart is. If they could work all day, more people can have their type of spawner they want instead of having to be up at 4 in the morning. Also if it's not at the right time and you click an egg on a spawner, It takes it and dosnt even work. 4) flying glitch. Lately there has been a glitch that you can use to make yourself fly. Simply type [edited to prevent further abuse of glitch]. 5)item frames: lately many people have been logging on to find that their item frames have been missing. Place your item frame and come back a day and there's about a 50% chance it will be gone. 6) Challenges: We used to be able to repeat some challenges, but now that this has been fixed so you can't repeat it. This means that the stuff that you get from challenges (alot of stuff) have now gone up in price. So if this could be fixed to how it was before, I think that skyblock would work better. @TannerLittle tanner, you've done an amazing job so far I want to thank you for that. I know you said you would be fixing infection (which is awesome!) and I would like to request for this thread to be incorporated into skyblock too. Thanks and I hope you decide to Thanks for reading if there are any problems I missed simply comment below and I'll incorporate into this thread. Thank you!
Emm, I support the spawn idea, on survival, skyblock, factions/opfactions mostly skyblock and factions, factions for grinders. (i dont think factions have spawners) Skyblock to farm and grind. Survival for donating to shops, redstone mechanisims, chest arranger or something. @TannerLittle Please, fix it, :( I really want it all back.)
Hey Sniper! Hoppers-Personally my favorite thing that they should bring back is hoppers! Maybe the hoppers could only like collect items that were farm able becasue that is the only reason for hoppers. No one uses Sorting Systems because that would cost A LOT! This way dupers would only be able to dupe like sugar cane, it doesn't really ruin the community because EVERYONE has sugarcane. SUPPORT Spawners- I personally think that they shouldn't be silk touch, because if they could, that would bring up a lot more questions like: Will you lose the type of spawner? If you do, what if I accidentally silked it? I personally think that this one is not really a good idea. Neutral Fly Glitch- THIS IS THE MOST annoying thing ever. There are always these noobs/sponsor/premium people that abuse this SO MUCH! They go around spawn flying, people get curious and then THEY TELL THEM HOW TO FLY! Worse of all, they dont get banned for A. Abusing Glitches Or B. Advertising Glitches. This also makes me feel bad for the Gods And Titans. They spent a lot of time making that real/in game money but these noobs spend 5 seconds and are able to fly! SUPPORT SUPPORT
I offered a solution for this to nana but he said it will probably be fixed when hoppers are fixed which is 1.9
I second the flying glitch. Kind of annoying seeing non god/titans flying around after you paid 150+ for the privilege.
The item frames is not a glitch, its a game mechanic. The game supports 30 entities per chunck and items in the frames and the frame count as entities!
Oh wait, I forgot about challenges! They should be fixed so that you have like a one to two sec cool down, so like if you use it a certain amount of times, like say 100 you need to wait 5-15 mins to use it again
Bro ! You're forgetting number six ! Challenges !!!! Having no redoing challenges brought chaos ! But still SUPPOOOOOORT