Hey guys! So some people including myself really do love the minigames that Mineverse offers... One thing is, there is nothingn to work for; to make you wanna keep going. I introduce to you all the new Bedwars Rank Idea... Similar to the rubies I have created a plugin that kind of works as a currency, although we don't have to use mine, we could make ranks that you can level up for. Seeing as you already get a certain number of rubies you should be able to do things like put those rubies towards a new kit, maybe 5 gold extra? Here are some rank names and there economy costs (changeable): Newbie: Starter/Default Apprentice: 2500 economy Private: 5000 economy Solider: 10000 economy Addict: 20000 economy Captain: 35000 economy Spartan: 50000 economy Emperor: 100000 economy Legend: 250000+ economy For anyone who isn't fimiliar with the plugins group manager or permissionsex, this next part isn't for you. Color codes that would look nice with the ranks: Newbie: &8 Apprentice: &1 Private: &e Soldier: &c Addict: &d Captain: &d Spartan: &b Emperor: &6 Legend: &b&2 Thanks for reading my thread, let me know what you think of it below! Warm Regards, ~Majestic :D