It's easy, just drag the Infection file/plugin to trash/delete and then, wahla, done. You have it fixed.
They wouldn't do a reset. Please stop making rumors / spreading rumors about resets. The plugin is going to be finished by @TannerLittle soon. If he is able to fix it, and it not glitch out, there will be no 'reset'.
I grantee Ares said that. I'm not spreading rumors -_-. All I did was share my opinion and my thoughts including what I had heard!
Good luck to mods sorting out prestige abuse with p8-10... aside from that, hype for infection #plsaddskullyard
@TannerLittle Mate if u are going to fix infection could u add some new maps and delete some old ones. (By that I mean jungle.....) @CrypticMerkz
Tanner doesn't have the perks to add / remove maps. He's only the dev, Cypriot and Crew have those perms. Just be patient, and wait like all of us.