So long story short i log into the game for the first time in a while due to irl things (work and what not) and i find my plot to be stolen and destroyed, which contained one of the largest rare item collections in the server, after i get about 50 pms from people telling me what happened i found out that CherokeeSmiles has stolen my old in game name on an alt account, my old name being suiathion8 and my new one being jie. Now i have the issue of 1) my /p h brings me to the stolen plot 2) i cannot leave he plot or dispose it 3) i cannot claim a new plot 4) 6-8 months of work was taken from me This leaves me unable to safely store any of my items that i have in my inventory or pv This is a very disrespectful thing in my opinion because all i have ever done is help people, i have done numerous donor rank upgrades and not long ago i gave away a double chest of old alphas and 100t along with some rare items, the rare items that were at my plot were going to be a part of my Christmas giveaway on dec 11th but now it just seams like the grinch stole Christmas. Anyway I need this issue resolved or i simply cannot continue to play on this server, about 10% of my items were given back thanks to flazers but there still remains a large portion of it on cherokees plot (as far as i know) also from what i know the guy was a poor little scrub before he stole my name and plot so leaving the fact that everything he has and has gained is rightfully mine. And no i don't think this is my fault for changing my name because i was still owner of the plot its some sort of plot conflict with the names so it is caused by the fact that the server does not update plotsigns and ownership properly to new names leaving this to be nothing but bug abuse in my opinion. - Also just noticed a message on my profile of someone trying to tell me about the issue @PandaBear__ @twin_nic
when you have more items than you can fit into your pv and ender you run into problems. Hmm lets just go mine at z with half an inv of random items i cant store.. lol fun days...
It is really annoying, and really makes me mad not because my plot and items got taken but that no one will fix this issue. Some people have 50+ plots while i have 0.
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