The aim of this game is to find what sentence that the previous user posted is a lie. You must post 3 sentences, two must be true and one false. For example: 1. All 3 of my grandparents are alive. 2. I am not 16. 3. Australia is an island. Number 3 is true because Australia is an island. Number 2 is also true, I am 15. They are the duo truths, so that must mean number 1 is false. I should have 4 biological grandparents, not 3. Good luck, I'll start.
Number 2. 1. OP Factions, I have higher axes mcmmo than swords. 2. I have higher acrobatics than swords. 3. I have higher swords than excavation.
1 is the lie? 1. I've been deaf my entire life. 2. I've lived in Barbados my entire life. 3. I plan on moving to London after college.
3, apples are so last year 1. I have a dog 2. My favorite game is Skyrim 3. I played on a baseball team
Fav game is skyrim? Idk xD 1 I once peed on some fire 2 I hate cats 3 I have an younger brother whos annyoing -.-
1. is a lie...? 1. I live in Indonesia. 2. The game which I am most active on is Minecraft. 3. I nearly got into a bicycle + car accident.
1. is a lie, It's singapore anyway 1. I hate Bananas 2. I have a sh!tty computer 3. I love Fall out boy
Wrong. When I was little my dad was burning some unwanted confidential papers and he was going to get the hose but I said WAIT! He heard a zip and a trickle trickle and the sound of flames being extinguished.
Because of the time, all three of those could be lies. You cannot fool me, Waffletumn. I guess #1. 1: I have never donated to charity. 2: My favourite coffee type is cuppachino. 3: I have blue eyes.
1. I can't have a dog because I live in an APT ;-; Hmm, 3? I hope it's 3.. xD I also suck at building, RIP