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  • JizzInMyBots Mod Application [Troll App]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by JizzInMyBots, Sep 21, 2015.

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    1. JizzInMyBots

      JizzInMyBots Active Member

      Sep 18, 2015
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      Welcome to my moderator application.

      I've decided to start my application a little bit different - you'll see. Certain parts will be taken out of my previous moderator application.
      To start:
      Personal Portion:

      IGN: GizzBots

      Age(This does not matter, so please be honest): 15.

      GMT +10, Australian Timezone.​

      What languages do you speak? Only English fluently.
      Some things about yourself to include(So that we can better understand the type of person you are, not just about what you'd do as a Moderator, this is a chance to fully express yourself and show us what you're like):

      I'll admit I'm a strong personality. I'll admit that I have my times, but I'm here to comit myself completely to the server. I'm here to moderate. I'm applying for the community, not for a tag or perms.
      I applied for the tags and perms because I have no friends in the current community.

      I see a growing need for moderators that are capable and ready, and I believe my time has come. I can do this, all I need is the opportunity. I'd like to become staff not only because I want to help but because Cyp wants me to help. I've shown what I can do, and I have experience. I'm a fast learner, I am able to portray a professional look and am willing to do it.

      I request that you give me the chance. I'm not just asking Cyp but I am asking the whole community. Forget the bad times we've had and put it behind us. I'm here to help.

      Want to know more? Here's my intro on Mineverse:

      And my intro on Skyblock.net:

      What are some qualities that would make you a good staff member?

      -=- Empathy -=-
      By definition, Empathy is said to be the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. A moderator needs this to understand the position or the challenge that a player maybe facing. With this said, I believe I show empathy on Mineverse, and I embrace it as a key attribute of how I act on Mineverse.
      I show no empathy towards others and I hate everyone accept for Larry.

      -=- Honesty -=-
      Obviously a moderator needs to be trusted by their peers, being the players, as well as other staff and as a whole, the community. I have been raised in a poorer family, and I've learnt the hard yards. My mum has always said to me that I need to be honest to get far in life, and I embrace that as well. Honesty is the core essential attribute that I think everyone needs. I physically cannot tell a lie unless it is for the benefit of majority. Having the inability to tell a lie will help me be a strong and loyal moderator in the Mineverse Community.
      I always lie and never own up to my mistakes.

      -=- Loyalty -=-
      This is an attribute that is evident to becoming a moderator on Mineverse. I have displayed this attribute in the way that I am punctual to being on the forums everyday without doubt. I appreciate the server and the work that has been put into it, and with that being said, I give my word that I am loyal to it.

      -=- Professional -=-
      One might say that being 'professional' is not a major factor of being a moderator on Mineverse. A strong part of seeming Professional is your look in the community. This is how you type, the tiny mistakes that you make, and even the ordering of words that you use. Being professional as a Moderator is used in the way that if you were Mod, you are part of the face of Mineverse to the community. I present this attribute daily in the way that I strive to improve my look in the community, as well as looking on my grammar as much as possible.

      With this being said, I strongly stand that people shouldn't be judged for their grammar harshly, unless it is beyond readable.

      -=- Respectful -=-
      When I first joined the Mineverse forums, I'll admit, I was excited. I may of seemed to be a bit of a douche, and I don't want to be seen for that. Over the past few months, I've been trying to improve the way I treat people, and I think I've gained success in this. I always have open arms to welcome new people, and respect peoples opinions and rights to speak freely.
      I don't respect people's opinions, I actually ban them for it!
      -=-- Strict but fair -=-

      I have then ability to be strict whilst being fair, and I am capable of treating everyone in appeals/reports regardless of whether they are friend of foe.

      -=- Mature -=-
      Yes, I'm an average 15 year old male, yes I have my times, but when it comes down to it, I am mature when needed. I won't hesitate to do what is necessary as a mod on Mineverse, and I sure as hell won't misbehave or misuse the commands or as some would say, 'powers' given to me. I have the ability to buckle down and get to a point, and I intend to do that, moderator or not. With this said, there is nothing wrong defending ones self.

      -=- Helpful -=-
      I am constantly moderating the chat, looking for people to help. I am always, 100% willing to help anyone that needs help. In game, I strive to improve the community in any way possible, and if that's what needs to be done, I'll do it.

      -=- Work Ethically -=-
      There are many factors that give one the ability to work ethically, and I believe I possess every last one of them. These include integrity, quality of work, sense of responsibility, discipline and a sense of teamwork. As a moderator, I'd shine this attribute to do my job as a moderator effectively and appropriately.

      -=- Active on Teamspeak -=-
      Because of this I am always reachable, meaning that when needed a player can get in touch with me regardless of whether or not I am on one server or another. If a player needs help, I'll be there(considering my timezone).

      -=- The Ability to spot Hackers -=-
      I am able to spot hackers extremely well, and have had plenty of experience in this field. I report hackers a fair bit, in fact I believe I have had more hackers banned then most mods.
      Why would you be useful to the staff team?

      I'm active. I've got the recording system as well as a quick screenshot program to record and take screenshots of the proof necessary for the servers which I am applying for. I look at things from a unique perspective. I'm always reachable, whether it be through Skype, Teamspeak or the Forums.
      What can you bring to the mineverse community/staff team?

      What is needed. Activity, professionalism, capability and spirit.
      Why should you become a Moderator, what is your motivation?(Answer both)

      My motivation is my ability to help, and that I can see that help is needed. I log onto these 3 servers daily to see no moderators on but a large amount of people. These servers have hackers, and I've had more hackers banned then most of our current mods.
      What is your previous experience for Moderation?

      I've been staff on a server in which Cyp and the Mineverse build team are familiar with - Dwarfscraft. ;)

      I have also moderated on a Towny server. I resigned on both servers, was not demoted.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse(We would prefer you to have played a while before applying, as to ensure you have given yourself time to get to know the community, but please remain honest)?

      I originally joined the forums to appeal for an incorrect ban, but I've been on the forums since September 18th, last year. Before that I had played the server for a while with my cousin but was not familiar with the community.
      How much time can you dedicate(per day) to moderating the server, as well as the forums?(Include both schedules/answers)

      I believe I can moderate upto and above 4-5 hours a day, including time on the forums.

      Monday: 4:30-10:30pm.
      Tuesday: 4:30-6pm, then 7:30-10:30pm
      Wednesday: 4:30-10:30pm
      Thursday: 4:30-6pm, then 7:30-10:30pm
      Friday: 4:30pm-11:00pm
      Saturday: 10pm-12pm(depending on when my soccer game is), 2pm-10pm.
      Sunday: Same as Saturday.
      Do you currently have any infractions on any of our servers?

      No, but I have previously been banned twice incorrectly on Mineverse.

      Which of our servers would you like to moderate, if accepted?

      I would like to moderate KitPvP, OP PvP and GTA(when it comes out). If you are only willing to accept me for two servers, I would like KitPvP and OP PvP. Here's why;

      Well this is the server where I basically started playing and I have tried my best to help out on there. I believe I have what it takes to give KitPvP what they deserve and improve the experience for most, if not all players. I also know that it is lacking mods and is neglected especially in the 'hacker' area.

      OP PvP
      OP PvP is the second server which I have always joined and once again, I believe I can change it in a positive way and help out a lot on there.

      With this server soon becoming the 'new server out', I would like to be apart of it since the beginning and help to strive to ensure that this game mode ends up the best it can possibly be. Also, with it being new, I am aware that mods will be needed to help out here, and I believe I am quite capable in doing this. ​

      What timezones can you cover most? Australian GMT +8-12 ish.​

      Do you have skype/teamspeak(Teamspeak is not required, but preferred.):

      Yes, I have both and am active on both.

      Thank you for reading my Application.​
    2. FakeASmile

      FakeASmile Experienced Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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    3. RawrImaEatChu

      RawrImaEatChu Experienced Member

      May 22, 2015
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      Very nice application! :lol: pls get mod jizzinmybots
    4. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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    5. TADS

      TADS Guest


      funny thing is, gizz is none of those traits he listed
    6. JizzInMyBots

      JizzInMyBots Active Member

      Sep 18, 2015
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      Wow thanks for the support!
    7. TADS

      TADS Guest

      No problem :D
    8. JizzInMyBots

      JizzInMyBots Active Member

      Sep 18, 2015
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      Gizzbots was originally my account.
      It was stolen from me and I finally got access to it.
      Gizzbots in-game is now me (Peter)
      Idk how but the current Gizzbots stole my account probably from a website

      This is not a joke.
    9. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Problem, skid?

      Dislike for a dislike? Eh?
    10. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      Not at all I have the right to dislike what ever I chose, also I don't believe this thread, you should have tried to recover your account?
    11. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Maybe he has tried, and he was finally able to get it back, lol.
    12. JizzInMyBots

      JizzInMyBots Active Member

      Sep 18, 2015
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      I did. I gave up
    13. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      Message a moderator and get them to message cypriot
    14. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      We don't allow troll apps.
      I recommend reading our rules.
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