Let me revert back to my previous post. You sir, you're pretty stuck up. Loosen up a bit. It's the **edited** internet. Nothing you say impacts you in real life, nor anything you do. Stop acting like this is a business meeting.
I'm not acting like this is any sort of meeting. It's how I type. Got a problem? Boo hoo. Stop swearing over the internet as well, you look absolutely pathetic.
Now you're making yourself look patheticly funny. Thanks for the laugh. You reply very fast, are you just staring at this threat, hitting the refresh button, waiting to post a reply? Stop swearing or face consequences. Stay on topic as well, you've gone far off. End of conversation.
No, I wish that's all I had to do. I'm actually doing schoolwork whilst talking to you, which I regret doing. Also, *pathetically. "Typing correctly" my .
I'm not typing correctly nor am I aiming too. We all make mistakes, and it seems you liek to spot and rip on them. You correcting makes you look like an arse. No one likes an arse. EOC.
Well, that's funny. I'm gonna take your advice, a totally stranger from the other side of the screen that said "kill yourself". It's so hilarious when someone says that, they are so pathetic.