Could you show me a few pics of it? Its fine if you can't. Could you show me a few pics of the redstone contraptions you've worked on? If you can't its fine.
Ign: Can I trust you to follow the rules?: yes Rate your redstoning skills (1/10): 9 Times you'll be on: depends I'm British though If you have made a big contraption before, could you show a pic? (Optional): do /warp farming on survival for my blaze farm (may have moved) and /warp hunt on skyblock both were made by me Rank (Optional): titan Why should I accept?: I can supply you with alot and I have 2 other very good builders that can come with me to see their building work do /p h dandedonut or /p h toastedwaffles on creative (can't remember which owns the plot) I would advise you to take all 3 as I will not come without them