Hey people of mineverse. I always tend to use contraband items because I am a rebel. I try to be sneaky. I'm sure that it has to be seen in your hand for you to be jailed correct? Just a heads up about it saying I shot with a titan axe - (I switched fast so it would say that)
False screenshots. I saw you shoot someone before you ran upstairs. You never took the bow out of your inventory, when I did /invsee it was still there.
Not going to reply again, I saw you shoot someone, not because I saw it in chat. End of conversation.
The screenshots clearly show the following: 1. "Drop bow bb" 2. "What I do" 3. "Bow" 4. "You shot someone with it like 2 mins ago" So obviously you weren't there to see it, you didn't handle this right away? You weren't even at pvp during this time. Time passed, you scrolled up, decided to jail me.
This could be two things, An open staff report Or a "I'm mad at you" Either way, Cypriot has clearly stated the next person to post a staff report in discussion will be punished. For the jail, times up. It's been long enough, you would've been freed by now.
Where'd you hear me say something about a jail-log? I'm asking for proof. Otherwise any moderator could jail a player for the wrong reason and get away with it.
Do you see any moderators get proof of their jails? It was a legit jail. It could of been solved in a pm, I don't understand why this thread is open.
So according to you, Payne, any moderator can jail someone for contraband without having evidence to support your actions and proof to administrators that you rightfully punished someone? I'm just making sure we're on the same page here.
I see where you're coming from, and I agree with you, but do we really have to go through all the pain to get proof of a single jail? He clearly shot someone, and I saw it as I was coming through pvp. He's unjailed now, and this could of been solved in a pm, so there's no point in this thread. Closing.