So I know that you clicked on the thread for a reason. It's not the reason you think. I am suggesting that your guys put Epanos back into the cycle of maps. Why? I believe that with the amount of people that have started to play, this map would be perfect for Infection. We have recently been getting 60-70 players, which means we need larger maps. The maps we have right now are small, and boring. Epanos was larger, giving an actual challenge. You guys also have the map sitting there, as I have been able to see it from some of the maps. Note for the map, if you add it, you have to remove the waterfall that allows you onto the tree Creator of the map: @Rythen
I'll make this quick and simple and I'll check the results in 24 hrs. Like this post if you want me to re-add Epanos Dislike this post if you do not want me to re-add Epanos Pls no reporterino for like farming.
This map is a huge challenge for a small group of people. especially climbing up the waterfalls. but in the end there's allot of cool places to go which makes it more fun and interesting.
It's not really suitable for an infection map imo, but we do need bigger maps, but we also need smaller maps.. we need zombie biased maps like caves, and temple. (probably gonna get hate for saying that but still). When 20 players are on in AU time, how are we supposed to win this? Oh well, still looks awesome, you put so much effort, so we have to play it
originally it wasn't made for infection. It actually wasn't made for anything. But I think with a small bit of edit it might work.
Take out waterfalls and add vines around to get around easier, and not so it's just rofls for the humans.