Some people were being rude to me on OP prison. Is the best way just to ignore them?
I suggest ignoring them after you get screenshots of them being disrespectful and then report them using the correct format and you will be fine ;).
/ignore them. If they continue with repeated levels of offensiveness, if you feel it's needed report them.
If they're swearing at you/evading the filter, report them. If they're just targeting you just ignore them.
8top they have a right to tell you to just go away You're always trying to scam people and most people (like me) are just sick of it!
I think I know why lots of people are annoyed at you. First off, don't say you are dropping rares at your plot and then demanding 1Tril to be undenied. It's plain scam and wasting people's time. Secondly, Don't try to trick people. Just like today, you tried to get lots of money off HopeStealer and saying that $1 on archer pvp is worth 25Bil on OPprison, because that is just plain scam. Try not to scam people. It frustrates people, just like Mooning_Monkey and _AlphaAuro_. I know I get frustrated when you say you're dropping rares at your plot and then everyone is just denied, and then when you undeny, you quickly deny everyone again when they get too close. It's wasting people's time.
I never drop rares at my plot... And why is mooning monkey annoyed? And once before I got 100bil for every ten dollars on archer pvp