There is no reason to state if you do not support something, I would appreciate negative opinions to be kept to yourself.
I would appreciate people not saying if they don't support it, it is not something you would keep to yourself unless somebody asks for that opinion.
And youre not supposed to dislike every single people who say no shupport. its your fault you didn't do a good app. Tip: Go look at other apps and grab more ideas from those. P.S: Get Member/Active Member
To be honest I do not like the disrespect im getting and all I said was I would prefer negative opinions to be kept to yourselves, and I didn't say or imply that I disliked anyone in any statement I have made, so please stop criticizing. This if starting to feel like I am being bullied here and it is not a comfortable atmosphere.
We're not bullying or mocking you. "No support" is a widely used term on these forums when one disagrees with an application.
Rhys, when people say no support, it doesn't mean they for sure don't like your application. It just means for you to add more information and be more active because who knows? They could change their mind as time goes on. I would have to stay with neutral. Disliking people's comments when they say "no support" will have a higher chance of not getting support later on. Have a nice day!
Thank you for being positive and I understand where your coming from, when they say no support is it upsetting but there is also some negativity if you look and I am not feeling comfortable
If you're not comfortable, you shouldn't be mod. You're aware of how much "You're a bad mod","Ban this guy","come here","do that","you shouldn't be staff" comments you get, right? No? Well.
Support ;p you're very kind to me in game, however you be more mature on game, the app don't show me anything how you behave in game.
it is not that im not comfortable being a mod, if you listen, im trying to say I don't appreciate the negativity, if or when I am a mod it will be easier.