This is a guide to reporting players. The acronym is named STOP. S- Stop! Stop. Before you report the player, make sure you follow the fomat of the server and you are posting in the correct forum. T- Think! Before you report the player, think to yourself. Have you got enough evidence? Is the name of the player clear in it? Do you have /realname or /plot info, if it is needed? O- Observe! Before you post, observe the forums. Has the player in question been reported already, for the same reason by another user? If so, do not post again. The staff will see the original report and get to it as soon as possible. P- Proceed! Have you followed the server format, collected enough proof and made sure the user hasn't been reported before? Then you are ready to report.
Only if this was accurate for the server... We can't see other reports. We don't have /nick As said above, we can't view other reports.