I might act immature in game but that is only because I like good banter. IRL I am actually very mature. Just saying in case....you know.....I want to make a mod app.
You should then be more mature in-game. Show that you're mature everywhere, not just real life. If you want a better chance of getting the spot you would like, act more mature anywhere.
I suggest you change the way you are in-game so you don't get a bad reputation. Making this thread can possibly alert people to not give you supports on your moderator application, especially to those who haven't seen you in-game yet to know if you are being truthfull or not.
Well I would not say a bad immature, I don't lose my head calling people bad language I just call people noobs or nubs sometimes to annoy them.
You should be mature ingame and on forums. If not you dont need to be applying for the position. Good luck though.
Well it definitely does show in game. I know its a game and you would like to have fun but always acting immature is really unnecessary
Your chances of getting a mod position have definitely gone down because of this post. If you're gonna scheme your way to a position like so, don't tell anyone about it.
If you really want to inprove there is no point of making excuses. Just show it to prove it! Good luck GL&HF