"StrKillr" My IGN is "StrKillr" for "Starkiller" wich is refered to the Star Wars saga, Actually, It's a surname meant to Anakin Skywalker. But Fox thought it was too dark of a name for a hero. So Georde Lucas changed the name to something more heroic to appease the studio. I thought it was a pretty bad name and I decided to use it for my Playstation account. Sometime later they used the name for Galen Starkiller from "The Force Unleashed" a pretty bad character and I started to use it for every gaming account. I would like to read about your IGN story on the comments. Some stories I am curious about: @galvanastas @AlienatedBanana @Aviators @WhySoSeven And as always ================May the force be with you================
Demoralized demoralized dɪˈmɒrəlʌɪzd/ adjective 1) having lost confidence or hope; disheartened. "a weak and demoralized president" I was sick of having unoriginal names so I spent a while trying to figure something out that sounded cool but related to me at the same time.
https://namemc.com/s?milk_and_cookiez Actually, I forgot why I put it tbh, but someone I was playing with said "Milk and cookies" meant my name, so yeah, I totally meant that the whole time and didn't forget. But you're not president :p
TSM_Dyrone http://lol.gamepedia.com/Dyrus "Dyrone" is an alternative way to call him Dyrus, mainly used in Twitch chat. huge fan of him
MY ign and ITS A WIERD ONE so many pplz call mehhh BWOL bwolnbonkcd bwol: a bowl/bowling bonk: because it goes well cd: stands for CRAZY DAVE from plants vs. zombies
My name as stated: strawberry_cupcake is a awesome and a creative name Strawberry is my favourite fruit and I like to bake especially strawberry cupcake is my favourite thing to bake :3
I have 2 accounts my first one is Acuario ( Spanish) means Aquarius (English) for my zodiacal sign and the second one is xMarisellex because of my name. In both accounts I wear a ghast skin because I love hellblock. :P