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  • [Sweden] Philip320's Moderator Application [Global]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Philip320, Sep 15, 2015.


    Do you think i would be a good Moderator?

    1. I think you had managed this just fine and deserves a first chance. (Yes)

    2. I do not think this is something for you. (No)

    3. I remain Neutral because I'm not sure. (Neutral)

    Results are only viewable after voting.
    1. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
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      Welcome to my application for Moderator on Mineverse. This is a very serious application, and I just want the server well, so I thought help it, And please remember how I have been lately, not 5 months ago or one year ago.

      Hello, My name is Philip, I have played on Mineverse since 2013, when I was called "PhlilipK" The account I have given to my brother now so, I like very much Mineverse it is actually the server that I played most of the whole time when I played minecraft, they were one of the first servers I logged into when I bought minecraft, Today I intend to make an application.
      Thank you.

      How old are you? I'm 11 years old but mature.

      Your in-game name: Philip320

      What timezone are you in? GMT + 2:00

      What country do you live in? Sweden, It is right that many Swedes on the server, and the
      people from Scandinavia, and everyone can not speak English, and then it is important that there are professionals who understand them and I can understand.

      What languages do you speak? English, Swedish, I will select a language then, but I have not been there yet, so I will learn more languages later.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      Because I have extremely much knowledges of servers and how it works, I know exactly what a Mod to do I'm also pretty good at to see if other hacking I am a fair person and even if my brother had for example "PVP logged" Had I given the same punishment as I would give to one who was not my brother or my friend. I've been accused that I would go and ban them that I did not like so much, but I never do, I am fair, and I will always, everyone will get the same punishment if rules are broken, I am also a very kind person, I do not want to do any other bad or sad if someone has a problem on Mineverse so there I am always there and can help them, It is important for me to help others, I think it is important to learn. others, so that everyone can get a good Mineverse I usually well be inside and ask if anyone needs help, I got some who wanted help I helped almost everyone and they were happy and thanked. I know this because I have to help others on my server who need help I have knowledge about it.

      - Kind
      I am a very kind person, I think many, I know myself too but it's not everybody's opinion.

      - Responsible
      I know if you're going to be a moderator must be responsible and I'm there. I will be responsible for Mineverse the best I can.

      - Fair
      I am a fair person, and I treat everyone the same not different. I will punish all the same token I'm not going and ban them, I hate right away so soon as it comes out of a report, I will talk to me together with the Moderator and decide. I will be fair to all no one will be more penalized by a rule that is broken.

      - Understand
      I have read all the rules carefully I understand very well, and will be able to help players very much. I will be able to help many players with their problems I will also do my best to get the players to agree.

      - Welcoming
      I say welcome to all new logging into the server, but sometimes I'm afk, So do not say I did not do it, I do it mostly when someone new logs in, I also teach them and make sure they get a start.

      - Trustworthy
      I am a person who can be trusted. I have never scammed anyone, there is no point, it's just stupid. I will keep track of the server so no one gets scammed If anyone should make a deal, I will check out if you want.

      - I can handle it
      will be able to handle Moderator very good I did not know it before but now that I realize how well I do on my server I am a beloved owner Many people think of me on the server, I will definitely be able to handle the Moderator here at Mineverse.

      - Recordings
      I film often, I do also let's play that over 6 000 have been looked at. I have over 200 videos with hackers on Mineverse, there are 100 who are not hackers. But the channel is mostly hackers.

      - Understand
      I can understand the players, it is a good thing with me, I think it's very important.

      - Helpful
      Is there someone who needs help? I will always be there, I'll do my best to help others, I also help others learn how to donate, or how such purchases commander rank, or everyday commands /pay for Beginners I do my best to help new players, I also like to welcome them and ask if anyone needs help, if anyone needs it so get them there then after a few days have them a real start thanks to me.

      - Do not feel uncomfortable with players
      Some do not feel comfortable being spammed constantly for help and things, it has been the 70 players in total on my server was not worried that I would think it is too difficult when others need help it's only a settle when people need help things. I can handle my server good, I always helps players which is why many think this is a good owner there and I think I could do the same on Mineverse.

      - Forums
      I will be in the website almost all the time I'm awake, If I go away I will have my phone fully charged and be in the website, and mine chat And I also have a really great experience how the website works, Example lock and archive.

      - Friendly
      I am friendly, uses very "Thank you" and is nice to the players.

      - Experience
      This is a very big part of me, I have a really great experience and I know exactly what mods do I can all the commands to be used I do not think they needed written this because I think you know what it is. I also have very extensive experience of the your xenforo website, I made an own too to my server so I know how everything works.

      - Active
      I'm not obsessed with schoolwork I actually have a lot of time at the computer I spend most of the time on my server because I do not have anything that says I have to be active on Mineverse, and I do not pvp all the time I had thought it might be fun to take care of server and help everyone.

      - Patient
      I am very Patient with players asking me questions, or needing some help. I ask the players there issue and help sort it out with them over time if necessary. This is a good trait for a moderator so when players need help over a long time, you can stay calm and fix their issue.

      - Mature
      This is one thing that many people said that I am not are, I can agree with that to some, but I have matured now lately, I am extremely mature when I play on the server, I do my best to keep the server in the form, and now I want to help Mineverse, I've been immature for a few Months ago, I recently turned 11, I matured extreme, since then I have never be immature in the chat, I have done my best to help the players and the server, I usually also say welcome to new players and get a start for them.

      - Funny
      I am a pretty funny person, a moderator can not be too boring, then maybe the players do not think about it that much.

      - Positive
      I am a positive person, it is a good part of me.

      - The rules
      I have 100% track of the rules, so they do not I read again if I did not forget, So it's really good.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      On weekdays it is 5 hours +, on the weekends it can be full of 7 hours +

      How long have you been playing Mineverse? Since 2013 August

      Have you ever been banned in the past? Yes, I have been banned 3 times incorrectly hacking, I finally became unbanned that I was not hacked, I was also banned for staff disrespect toward Silentó, I regret this very much and I have apologized many times to him what I said, I hope this does not ruin my chance to become Moderator very much.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, my own server, and it is a very big moderator experience, it is daily 20 players inside each day, record was 70 players, and I have made the server itself for the most part, it is a bungeecord, so my experience is not small.

      Thank you for your time and read, and ideally do not accuse me hacking, Just so you know, I was unbanned, finally, that I was not hacked, so I did not use hacks.

      Cypriot, Thanks, This server is the best.

      I hope you think I have a chance, I love Mineverse, and it had been a dream for me to help you.

      I would say to all who gave me support is best. This chance is big for me and it means a lot to me.
      I have been an immature behavior for many and it ruins my chances clearly. Many do not realize what I am or what I can. That's why i'm going to show this.

      Thank you for reading. Love you Cyp

      Sorry for my poor grammar :/ I apologize if it is bad, if you do not understand what I mean, comment and I'll say what I mean, I hope it does not ruin my chances very much I do my best and it is not useless in the chat anyway

      22 Supports.
      Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
    2. Mystic

      Mystic Experienced Member

      Mar 3, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support.
    3. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you for your feedback, Is there something bad with the application? or is it someone I do wrong. :? And probably you have not read my application in a minute. :P
    4. Mystic

      Mystic Experienced Member

      Mar 3, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Your application is pretty good. However, I've seen you be immature in game before and you should be more active on the forums.
    5. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I know, I've been immature, I actually have matured a bit since then.
    6. l0wkey

      l0wkey Well-Known Member

      Aug 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Pretty good application and I have never seen you in game besides that you have been a bit immature at times. You do claim to have changed so I will stay neutral.
    7. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I am most of the time inside the kitpvp, but I will be active on most servers if I become mod then, such as no lover of Skyblock, but I can still take care of it for example, I am also inside the KitPvP right now :p
    8. ~KingBwol~

      ~KingBwol~ Experienced Member

      Jan 20, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I like this. It is simple and to the point! support
    9. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support. There are grammar/punctuation mistakes, add more info on why you should be a moderator.

      Good luck!
    10. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I'm sorry for it, I'll do my best to fix it right now, Thank you for the feedback in any case, I can add more info if really needed <3
      Thank you very much, It is a dream to work on this server, thanks, I appreciate it very much :)
    11. Robisgreat10

      Robisgreat10 Well-Known Member

      Oct 6, 2014
      Likes Received:
    12. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you :)
    13. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Updated some grammar/punctuation mistakes
    14. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      No support.
    15. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Okay, thanks for the feedback, If you have some reasons? Or I guess you think I'm immature, If so, it might happened a few months ago, I have matured, thanks anyway, I hope you change your mind, I do my best, I just want to show what I can.
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
    16. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Updated :)
    17. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

    18. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for the feedback, I am delighted that you support me :stoned:
    19. Blanqe

      Blanqe Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Support, it seems like you have matured up a bit.
      Good luck man
    20. Philip320

      Philip320 Experienced Member

      Feb 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you so much :)

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