I think that you shouldn't be allowed for others to heal you. Maybe there could be a certain command that you type in for others to heal you if you if you prefer that. It's annoying when you're trying to fight with potions and this one Titan is just healing you every time you pot up. Either that or there should be a punishment for people that always heal you when trying to potion up. Just a suggestion....
Trust me, it gets annoying when that one person does /heal all and it takes away your Gapple buffs. Neutral on this.
I'm going neutral on this. There actually is a way that titans can't heal you(if they use /heal **) and your potion effects. If it's abused though, it might start a new rule.
I'm sorry I can't support this, I use this all the time to catch people that are invis with contrabands and without it well there'd be an easy way outa being jailed.
You know what, 'heal *' should be removed, not healing other people. Just heal one person not EVERYBODY, this makes it FAIR. (sorta)
support, also on kitpvp its pretty bad when they /heal in a 1v1 in a isolated place, so they technically have 20 hearts xD
I do not support this suggestion. I feel as Titans have paid $250 USD for Titan, I believe it is a necessary perk that they should have as it has been with them since Titan was added. As annoying as it is, I understand, but I believe you need to put up with it as others do it to other Titans aswell, and for the Titans that were/are promoted to guards, it is easier to catch people with contrabands/illegal equipment whilst they're doing their duty of being guard. Thanks, Turtalized.
What makes you think they did it for titan? They call it a donating rank for a reason, giving people more perks into a game for $250 is a pay to win game Noone can beat these /healers not even hackers, so what you are saying is people paid 40 dollars to buy premium hacks and they cant use it on the server? i might bring this thread a little farther.. im a donor myself aswell but do you see me abusing my commands ? yes Hackers make people quit But dont you think titans make people quit aswell?