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    Discussion in 'Help' started by TADS, Sep 14, 2015.

    1. TADS

      TADS Guest

      In this thread, I will be discussing
      Each section one by one
      Personal settings / other
      Welcome to the Mineverse forums!

      News and Announcements

      This section is used for important things only. Here you will be able to find the rules, updates for game modes, resets on any gamemode, etc.. You will also be able to find the top voter for each month.
      News and Announcements
      In that section, you will also be able to view the archives. In here, it has all the previous top voters, all previous resets, etc...

      Here is where you will be able to make some new friends, meet some cool people.
      This section can be used for two things. Introductions and Outro's.
      While you are only allowed to make one Introduction, you can 'grave-dig'* it if you want to.
      Introduction rules

      In here, you have the ability to post anything that needs a discussion. Whether it's about an update, or if something is going wrong on Minecraft / Mineverse.
      Here you will also be able to find the warning point system, the official staff list, weekly updates (coming soon)
      Warning Point System
      Official Staff List
      There are 3 subsections in this one
      Clan Recruitment

      Media can be used for almost anything. Here you are allowed to post YouTube videos of music, gaming videos, etc..
      As long as you are not advertising another server by having it's ip listed, you can have it.
      This section is not used often, but here you can post projects you made, or special things that you want to do on Mineverse / Minecraft.
      Clan Recruitment
      This section is widely used by people on Factions / Op Factions, Kit Pvp, and Prison.
      There are no listed rules about what you can do in this section, as long as it does not involve anything inappropriate.
      Suggestions-Ideas and Suggestions
      This is the only place where you are able to suggest anything.
      It can be from another game mode, to a rule edit, to resetting an entire gamemode.
      Welcome the the Suggestion section

      Ideas and suggestions is like the first section, but this is for Map submissions.
      People commonly mistake this section for the other, so don't worry if you mess up. Just request a moderator to move it.
      Ideas and Suggestions
      Ideas and Suggestion rules

      Off Topic
      Here in the Off Topic section, you can post anything (as long as it abides by forum rules). You can post selfies, your builds, social media pages, etc..
      Off Topic
      Here you will find 5 subsections
      Forum Games
      Mineverse Trading

      One rule for trading is, always record it happening. That way if they happen to scam you, you will have evidence to report them
      Moderator Applications
      Applying for staff is a huge responsibility. Your job as a staff member is to help keep the server and forums clean of any rule breakers. You are also entitled to help out everyone that needs it.

      One thing not to expect, is to get moderator quickly. Our co owner (Cypriotmerkz) promotes people when he feels it's the time. Asking staff or Admin to look at your moderator application only lowers your chances of becoming one.

      The form to apply is located here
      Apply form
      If you have any questions about becoming a moderator, please take a look at these threads
      Guide one
      Guide two

      Supporting an application.
      Supporting an application means a lot. Your support might be the deciding factor of whether someone becomes moderator or not.
      Here is what you should consider when supporting someone
      Your support
      What should my Application look like?
      Recently, we have added a section with all the accepted applications.
      If you are unsure of what it should look like, take a look through the archives there. Just remember not to plagiarize any of them.
      Accepted Applications

      Ban Appeals

      When making a ban / mute appeal, remain truthful. The moderators know more than you would.
      If you are lying, your appeal will be denied.
      To appeal, here is the format
      Appeal format
      In your title, you must include
      Which server you are banned on, and the name of the moderator who banned you
      Guide to a good appeal
      Ban appeal rules

      Post your appeal


      If someone is breaking an in game rule, use the form located here
      In game report form
      If you feel as if someone is breaking a forum rule, use this format
      Forum report form

      In game reports
      In order for a in game report, you must have valid proof of the offender: Bypassing, hacking, disrespecting another player, etc..
      To submit the in game report, you must post it here
      In game report

      Forum reports
      Forum reports can be made by you feeling violated, someone rate abusing you, someone spamming you, or someone just being plain disrespectful.
      To submit any forum reports, post them here
      Forum reports

      There are also two other report sections: Report a bug/exploit and Report a staff member

      When reporting a bug, you must include
      Evidence of the bug:
      How it effects game play:
      A description of it:

      Here is where you are able to post bugs/exploits

      When reporting a staff member, use the forum here
      Staff Report one
      Staff Report two
      Anyone who false reports a moderator will be punished.


      If you have donated to the server, and you did not receive your rank / other item, try emailing
      [email protected]
      If you do not get a reply within the first week, resend the email every 4-5 days. Do not spam the email, as he might ignore you and not help you.
      When sending the email / writing a help thread, please include the following

      Post all issues here

      If you have a basic question, about game play, something not working, post it here
      Help thread


      This section is where you are able to view anything that has been closed, grave dug, etc..
      There are a few subsections that are private: Ban Appeals, Reports, and reports Banned.
      Other than that, you are free to look at all the closed threads.

      Personal Settings

      How do I access my personal settings?
      In order to access your personal settings, hover your mouse over your name in the upper right hand side.
      From there, a drop down window will appear, which has all of the personal settings.
      Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 10.22.05 AM.png
      Your signature can be almost anything. It can be a YouTube video, a quote, or an image.
      Signature Editing
      Your avatar can be anything. It can be something you like, a loved one, a selfie, something that represents you. When you click on the avatar section, you will get a screen like this
      Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 10.26.03 AM.png
      Note that your image might be cropped due to it's size.

      Helpful Tools
      Here are some tools you might find helpful. Credits to Daddy for the list

      Screenshot Tools:

      Screenshot Upload Sites:

      Recording Tools:

      Video Upload Sites:


      • Like Like x 2
      Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2015
    2. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      Nice one
    3. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Thank you :3
    4. DatSquidy

      DatSquidy Experienced Member

      Jul 19, 2015
      Likes Received:
    5. Travis_B

      Travis_B Active Member

      Oct 5, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Nice, awesome detail!
    6. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Thank you both
    7. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      That momment when the images won't show.. Thanks anyway!

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