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  • ~<>ChiyuuLikesCake's Application<>~ (USA) {Creative or Op-Prison}

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by ChiyuuLikesCake, Sep 11, 2015.

    1. ChiyuuLikesCake

      ChiyuuLikesCake Active Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Introduction: Hello there! Just wanted to do a quick introduction before I begin my application. My name is ChiyuuLikesCake! I adore listening to music, and bands are probably most of my life. I admit, I can be some weeaboo trash at times, but it's not as bad as it was a couple of years ago. (ノ・ω・)ノ I'd enjoy moderate the Creative or Op-Prison server. Thank you for whoever is taking the time to read over this and give their opinion! (◕‿-)

      How old are you?: Just like my profile says, I am 14. I can act a bit childish (As in, my personality), but then I can turn quite mature. Quite strange, really. Also, I don't look, nor sound 14, which is a shame. But of course, who really thinks someone who's 5'2 is 14? I probably would be pat of the group that doesn't think that the person would be 14. ( ・_・)

      Your in-game name: Just like my name on here, my IGN is ChiyuuLikesCake. Yes. I do enjoy cake that much. Thank you for asking. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

      What timezone are you in?: I live in GMT -5. To put in simply, I live in Central North America. (⌒_⌒)

      What country do you live in?: I live in North America. (ΘεΘ

      What languages do you speak?: I speak fluent English, and I am currently attempting to learn some Japanese. >‿‿◕

      Why do you think you should become a mod?: I think I should be mod because I can really help with the chat in the community. You see so much things going on in the chat, and really, it could be dealt with better. I also think I could help build anything. I consider myself to be quite decent in pixel art, and I'm okay with building in general. I know how to use a good amount of plugins, and I could help with things such as that. I do consider myself best in chat relations topics, but I can do a lot of other things.

      Strict: I can be quite strict at certain times, but I usually like to be calm, and just chill. I honestly dislike yelling at someone, I always seem to feel guilty afterwards, but sometimes, you have to be a bit strict with people.

      Friendly: I consider myself as a friendly person. I always like welcoming people new any server, and I just like being nice in general. It's always great to meet new people and make new friends. And I'm always up to helping people out when in need.

      Favoritism: Personally, when people show favoritism, it really does tick me off. I don't show any type of favortism in anyway, as in helping my friends out more than the others. I may talk to my friends more, but I will not just ignore the othere and then just talk to my friends.

      Abusing Power: You see, I don't understand why people choose to abide the power that they earned and could get it taken away from them. Of all the staff ranks I've had, I still have yet to abuse my power in some way, and I really hope I will never make some mistake and abuse my power.

      Quick Typer: I consider myself as a decently fast typer. Being a fast typer has many perks, in responding faster, not keeping people waiting for you to finish typing, all that jazz. I can also respond faster to situations.

      Experience with Commands: I consider myself pretty experienced with commands. I know a lot of different plugins and commands since I've been using most of them during a survival server. But of course, I do know the basic. /tempban, /mute, /kick, all of those.

      Humor: I think it's important to be humorous. You need to get along with others quite well, and it helps a lot if you can just take a joke. I see myself as a person who can just laugh most things off, and it does work.

      Rules: I feel following the rules is one of the most important things. There's a reason that the rules were made, and you're supposed to follow them. I have read through the rules, and I understand them, and if I ever break one, really, I just need to be reminded, not to do something.

      Easy Going: I like to see myself as an easy going person. I don't enjoy giving people a hard time just because they made a mustake. I mean, we're all only humans, and we can't do everything perfectly. So why give someone a hard time doing something even if you've done it before?

      Good Conversationist: I always have something I can talk about with someone. And if they aren't interested in same things I'm interested in, then I'm fine with just talking about something they're interested in. I just love talking to others and just making sure they're having a good day.

      Good Listener: I'm always up for listening to someone talk about, well, anything. I don't mind having someone vent or just have a normal conversation with me. If someone's venting, I always try my best to understand what they're going through, and support them all the way through.

      Make People Smile: I love to make someone smile just because of what I say. Just because of that, I crack jokes whenever I can. Whether they're really bad, or hilarious, if I can get a smile out of someone, it really does brighten my day.

      Neat and Tidy: I enjoy keeping my items neat. I always find a way to sort out my stuff, in real life, and in Minecraft. It's really a good thing to be tidy so you don't have to go looking for things all of the time because you've lost it, when really it was just right in front of you.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?: I can usually be on the server for 1-5 hours a day. Well, that's what I would like to happen. This is probably what will happen

      Monday-Wednesday: 1-2 Hours

      Thursday: 2 Hours
      Friday: 3 Hours

      Saturday-Sunday: 4-6 Hours

      How long have you beeI think I playing Mineverse?: I'm just going to be completely honest here. I have no idea. I can possibly round it up to a month? I apologize, since I'm not great at keeping track of time.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?: No, I have never been banned and I don't count on being banned anytime soon. (●´ω`●)

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?: Specifically moderator? I don't believe so. But, I can list all the staff ranks I have been on other servers. (If you would like, I can name all of the IPs) I have been Head-Admin on a server called DomoCraft and also on my friend, Sky's server. Sadly, her server has been shut down. I have been Co-Owner on a server, run by someone of the name of Bailee. Just like Sky, her server has been removed. I have been Helper on a server I personally like to call Donkey-Craft, and that server switches on and off at the most random moments. And then, I have been Owner on my own server, and once again, shut down because I didn't have the funds to keep it going.

      Extra Information: I can be quite snappy at sometimes, and in advance, I apologize for that. I can also be sarcastic, and I may come off as mean at some times, and really, I always end up feeling horrible about it afterwards. As I said before, I enjoy watching anime and listening to music. My favorite band is Fall Out Boy, and yes, if you would like to call me emo, please, go on ahead. I don't really mind if you insult me, but if you say anything about any of my friends, I will snap. I do try to be the good-cop in a situation, but I can lose my cool, which I don't enjoy doing. I'm pretty
      strange in general, and I have bad puns and pickup lines shooting everywhere. You have been warned. I'm also quite the Grammar Nazi, and I apologize because I will probably correct someone to just be annoying. Oops.

      Setbacks: Yes, I can admit, I have some setbacks that will affect this application. I haven't been on Mineverse for very long, so I'm not as familiar with the server as others, and I can not express the same way others express how much they enjoy the server. I also am new to the forums, well, really, I've been scrolling through forums for a while now, I just never bothered to make an account. None-the-less, I also am not the most professional soul in the universe. I can be very childish, and just unprofessional in general. I can also be commanding, which really, isn't good at all. I like to take leadership during something, and I just get way too caught up in it. I can get angry easily, but I am working on keeping that calm. I also label myself as a crybaby. I do cry a lot, and really, I also need to work on that. It makes me feel childish, and I just don't like feeling 5 again.

      Conclusion: Thank you once again for giving my little application and chance! It means so much to me that people actually read what I put up. If you have any questions, I'd love to answer them! Once again, thank you, and maybe, we'll see each other on the server! (n˘v˘•)¬
      Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
    2. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Do not make your application as a rainbow
      You recently just joined the forums
      You really can expand on why you want to become mod
      No Support
    3. ChiyuuLikesCake

      ChiyuuLikesCake Active Member

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Ah, alright. Thanks for the advice anyways
    4. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Add more info, and be more active on the forums and in-game
      No support.
      Good luck!
    5. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Become more active.
      Add more info.
      You can't apply for two servers, it's one or all of them.
      No support
    6. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
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    7. ChiyuuLikesCake

      ChiyuuLikesCake Active Member

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thank you for the advice! I plan on being a lot more active, and good luck on your application too!
    8. ChiyuuLikesCake

      ChiyuuLikesCake Active Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Alright, thank you for informing me. Very helpful ^•^
    9. Lord Jaraxxus

      Lord Jaraxxus Well-Known Member

      Jun 9, 2014
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      Sorry but you joined forums today and well if you were to apply when you had active member I'd support but as a new forums user I can't support because you don't know the community on here.

      So sadly no support but good luck
    10. ChiyuuLikesCake

      ChiyuuLikesCake Active Member

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I understand completely. It's really hard to support someone new, which makes a lot of sense really. Either way, thank you for the feedback!
    11. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I like this application, but it'll be better if you be more active on the forums. Neutral, good luck.

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