If anyone hasn't noticed, today is a very sad but strong day for Americans because it is September 11th. On September 11, 2001 on a clear sunny day 3 planes were hijacked by Al' Queda terrorists. 2 planes crashed into both twin towers. 1 plane crashed into the Pentagon. While one remaining plane was headed towards the White House but the brave passengers ended up taking on the hijackers and soon after they crashed the plane in a field in Pennsylvania. About 3000 people that worked in the towers died, 343 firefighters and paramedics, 23 New York policemen, and 37 Port Authority Police. I made this thread to inform and in respect and remembrance of the tragic phenomenon that happened this day 14 years ago. This was heartbreaking but then people realized how strong America is as a country and that we really are an amazing. In honor of 9/11 change your profile picture to a picture related to 9/11. #NeverForget
America isn't that brave, you invade innocent countries, fake wars just to invade places with lots of oil and lie to your own people. #StealBeams
steel* ignorant people everywhere. im sickened by the fact that who did it is more important than who died. inside job or not, 2,000 people lost their lives that day. including my neighbor and my best friend's dad. if you hate America, don't f*cking comment! easy as that. some people are actually in mourning right now, and couldn't care less about what you think about us
Glaadiator, I just earned a whole new level of respect for you. That was awesome you go girl. And fyi @FaZe Dox get off my thread and thanks for deleting the unneeded comment.
-.- Really This is a sad Day Lol, Today my Science Teacher asked the classed what's the date all of a sudden my friend just yells 9/11 I get so Mad at him
all we did at school was beat up racist white kids that yelled out allah akbar to all the muslim kids #typicalday
Yes today is a memoral day, but this is quite useless because most of us have known this tragic occurrence for years.