How old are you? 13 Your in-game name: iStrafeDaily What timezone are you in? Australia UTC+10:10 What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you speak? Australian and Maori/NewZealander Why do you think you should become a mod? i Recommend i should be a moderator because im active and always free too have a conversation with members or other moderators . i am a fun bloke which will help others out . i will be there when there is hackers around to ban them. i will always be friendly and nice too others . i will do my job too Ban or Mute other players for Unwanted reasons. i will like members of mineverse to have a good experience of mineverse. Mineverse is a really good server where there is alot of nice people with heaps of respect and like too help others out and that will be my job . How long can you be active on the server everyday? In The weekend i can be active as long as i want , School days i can be on for 5 hours . How long have you been playing Mineverse? Ive been playing mineverse since i started playing minecraft Have you ever been banned in the past? Yes on op pvp , for skype realsing but i wont do that again Do you have any past experience as a moderator? no i havnt but it will be a good experience to be a mod for the first time i will love too be a mod Which two servers would you like to moderate? (Recommended pick the two servers you play the most) Infection & OpPvP
You joined one minute after another, reply to a bad moderator application one minute before the next. I have my suspicions
Just going to say that a moderator applications should be kept on topic and most applications that go totally off topic get removed if the applicant doesn't ask for off topic posts to be removed.
Great attitude for a moderator, get to know the community, and don't be irrational to other members, you aren't royalty or anything, try to become an active member or above. Add information to why you believe you should become a moderator. No Support, Good Luck.