I suggest you make another attempt. Next time follow the format and go in depth with why you should be a mod.
yeah good idea this was my first time i didnt even know there was a format! i just looked up mod application
No support. You didn't follow the format and have lied and have wrongly accused many other players. Also I believe that you are very immature when it comes with dealing with situations on Skyblock. I would like to point out that, as bananaman said, you haven't accepted the constructive criticism that others on this form before me have said. My personal thoughts, saablade
im really surprise that lots of people saw this though. butfa saablade bananaman unfolds. all of u guys said this sucks but still. it was fun to make and also... i literally made this account like 12 hours ago. i have no idea what goes on. i didnt know theres even was a format. next time i guess