In the case that the decision is made to edit the Infection plugin, may I suggest editing the zombie reward for a kill streak of five kills or more. It will not be a huge edit. Right now there are two things that a zombie can get, an egg and a spider eye. Right now the spider eye does nothing, and the egg is very over powered. This suggestion is to simply make eggs more difficult to obtain, and for spiders to have a purpose. What is to be edited. The spider eyes and eggs are each to be given a different chance of them being a possible reward. The chance to receive an egg will be 25%, while the chance to receive a spider eye is to be 75%. The potency of the egg will not change, as the chance of getting one will make it more difficult to obtain. But the spider eye will have a purpose. The spider will be turned into a weapon, so that when you hit someone with it, they are mildly poisoned. A spider eye will only be good for one use, and will only take half of the hearts that a fully human can have (So five hearts). Opinions and suggestions are appreciated.
Support. Most people didn't really use it (I did, only for hijacked), but you could inflict the poison effect on you and jump causing a self boost over a 1.5-2 block tall height. The problem of op zombies farming around 10 of these killstreaks still presents a problem, though.
I saw another server where spider eyes could be used to set people within probably around a 2 block radius of the player on fire for about 3 or 4 ticks. This is also pretty interesting because it provides a rather good yet not overpowered synergy with the egg, giving a way to actually bring people below 1/2 heart in an aoe like the egg.
Eggs give the poison effect (Level 2 or 3, I believe) until the player is at 0.5 hearts. In addition to this, they also gain slowness for the duration of that poison effect as well as weakness 3 that lasts an extra 10-15 seconds after the poison resides. Considering that a game is only 5 minutes long, a 1 minute egg would be too overpowered.
Craftcadia has it where the eyes cause fire @Pile_of_Butts Anyways, they'd have to decompile the code. I've been told this by Cypriot before. If they could fix it, they would've done it months ago.
Well they only recently figured out how to fix the forum registration, I don't see why a solution can't present itself for Infection as well.