Ares already told you it is not a rule so this thread does nothing but get you roasted by everyone who is laughing at your ignorance trying to prove this.
This got heated real fast. I would say at this rate we might as well remove the rating system and stick to just having likes xD
No. You and Pony need to take your crazy ideas and keep them to yourselves. Stop trying to force your ideas onto us we already have a set of rules approved by the owners.
I don't know what you are on but I never said it was rates abuse, never made a new rule and furthermore I am on no ones side on this matter. I know what rates abuse is having dealt with it for well over a year, and I know what cyp would say about rates abuse. I know how to handle the situation and have so for a while. No ones being punished here, the reports were invalid and they have only shown that Dj was innocent. So why complain? I don't make the rules, I'm not crew and I sure as hell ain't cyp. Yes pony, you get rated negatively a lot but unfortunately what you post is sometimes not needed and therefore the others rate it. But everyone knows how you get those ratings and honestly at a certain point you need to ask yourself if it is worth fighting this publically.
Pony is using your thread as evidence though so thats why Savage is saying that. I think savage was a bit confused on what y0u said but I feel like you should edit the thread saying that it is not a official rule. But also shouldn't pony be punished for false reports?
I wish he wouldn't, it's not the rules. I probably will delete the thread until I get approval from cyp. Though mainly it was a take on a thread cyp approved on skyblock I believe. Pony didn't make false reports imo he just had more than one piece of evidence to post. Though I believe if a person does abuse the reports section they would be warned. I think ares is working on that one... I'm not entirely sure.
It is a false report because they were not rate abusing. I personally feel your rules are very vague and leave to much question when trying to report (nothing against you). But thanks for clearing that up Krissy.
You are practically saying that giving someone a dislike is a bannable rule. Ok then, answer these questions: 1. Why is the dislike button even there then!!? 2. It is not bannable when it's in certain chunks, why do you still report Ryan?
One, in case it IS actually disliked instead of done for spite Two, idk who you're talking about, and it's the time limit that's the loophole in the whole thing that makes rate abuse so easy to bypass. I still report people because they use the dislike rating simply because they don't like me, and they only wish harm on me. So when i get the chance i punish them for it.
I'll say again, it's not punishable unless it's spammy. People can give whatever ratings for whatever reason when they want, again, as long as it is in hour periods.
I understand the rule itself Ares... I'm just saying that apparently people have found a loophole in it. And are exploiting it